The British Monarchy

Why do you always find fault with the UK?
You are always at it.
I get you don't like some of our customs but you aren't exactly living in a utopia either.
I'm British.

And this pointless mob are head of state here as well. I think I have a right to an opinion of them.
When did I mention living in Australia, I'm confused here (nothing new granted)
I'm sorry, but I love my country. It isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but strangely enough I think it's a great place to live. As do many who come across the channel in boats
The monarchy has absolutely no effect on the ordinary person.
And I get cross when people from other countries (especially ones that had no real society until about 300 years back) slag it off.
I'm sorry, but I love my country. It isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but strangely enough I think it's a great place to live. As do many who come across the channel in boats
The monarchy has absolutely no effect on the ordinary person.
And I get cross when people from other countries (especially ones that had no real society until about 300 years back) slag it off.
Not slagging off "your country" in the slightest. I'm a republican and don't believe in Royalty/The class system/entitlement by birth.
As I said I'm British, born in Stalybridge, I have a British passport and birth certificate....I emigrated to Australia 36 years ago.
The Royal family is also the Australian royal family, so Charlie is our King...but you think I have no right to criticize them?
Not slagging off "your country" in the slightest. I'm a republican and don't believe in Royalty/The class system/entitlement by birth.
As I said I'm British, born in Stalybridge, I have a British passport and birth certificate....I emigrated to Australia 36 years ago.
The Royal family is also the Australian royal family, so Charlie is our King...but you think I have no right to criticize them?
Of course you do. What I'm saying is though is that our quality of life here has absolutely nothing to do with the Monarchy.
Of course you do. What I'm saying is though is that our quality of life here has absolutely nothing to do with the Monarchy.

The £1.60 it costs me a year could be better spent on other things like 3 packets of rizzla papers freeing up more of my money to put my children through Oxbridge.
I wouldn't live in Australia if you paid me. My cousin went there 12 years ago. Her mother and brother too. The last 2 soon came back.
I'd rather have our royal family and live here than living in a fucking wilderness where getting on the property ladder is even more difficult than here.
Miles away from anywhere, stuck on the other side of the world.

I’ll pass thanks very much.
Very well said. I was away with work this week so missed most of this Kate bollocks; am I supposed to be prostrating myself in anguish because some random toff is in hospital for a procedure? Some of the stuff written about her being admitted, by professional journalists no less, is fucking nauseating and frankly an indictment on our society. Our priorities are so out of kilter it's scary. It's interesting you bring up the US because, for all it's flaws (and there are obviously many), it doesn't really have a class system, and I think that's brilliant. The British seem to cherish "class", and the irony is those who have the class look down and sneer at those beneath them as though they were lint on their lapel.

I've said before Harry is the only one I could imagine sitting down for a pint with. That speaks volumes really.
Do you genuinely believe that America doesn’t have a class system?
The £1.60 it costs me a year could be better spent on other things like 3 packets of rizzla papers freeing up more of my money to put my children through Oxbridge.
It's not just the money (although that could be hugely reduced by a reduction in Palaces/Castles and staff) it's the whole principal of entitlement and the class system.
Why is Andrew more of a person than you or me, why does he have a right to all the privileges, free homes, servants, fine everything at the expense of ordinary working (and struggling) people?
Why was Margaret allowed to spend most of her time on holiday in places like St Kitts at the taxpayers expense?


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