The British Monarchy

It is not practicable to have a society where everyone has an equal share of wealth. Equality in my book means equality before the law, everyone paying taxes following Parliament's law, and no exemptions or privileges because of a chance of birth—certainly, no privilege to veto or amend laws in one's own interest. The current arrangement where the King can do this is an absolute scandal.

If you want a monarchy, it should be strictly ceremonial only. With no input into laws or politics whatsoever, beyond that available to the poorest of citizens. There should be no residual powers, and the entire concept of 'royal prerogative' - exercised by the PM - should be excised. At present, the PM can use this outdated concept to - among other things - declare war or enter into treaties with foreign powers without Parliamentary consent.
I’m not one bit envious of the RF I love our titles Mr and Mrs nothing on earth would make me want to live a life in a goldfish bowl. With every detail inspected and picked over on social media and TV.
They still suffer all the illnesses and drawbacks in life that I do worrying about the kids or health issues . Lying on your deathbed it must be so hard to leave all the wealth and money behind your still going the same place we all go in the end.

Come the day of a referendum I’ll vote to keep the RF, the idea of a republic doesn’t do it for me. Think of the Russian Revolution and who they have in power now, Putin invaded Ukraine and thousands are dying for his trying to restore the old USSR no Republics are not the golden ticket it‘s made out to be
I’m not one bit envious of the RF I love our titles Mr and Mrs nothing on earth would make me want to live a life in a goldfish bowl. With every detail inspected and picked over on social media and TV.
They still suffer all the illnesses and drawbacks in life that I do worrying about the kids or health issues . Lying on your deathbed it must be so hard to leave all the wealth and money behind your still going the same place we all go in the end.

Come the day of a referendum I’ll vote to keep the RF, the idea of a republic doesn’t do it for me. Think of the Russian Revolution and who they have in power now, Putin invaded Ukraine and thousands are dying for his trying to restore the old USSR no Republics are not the golden ticket it‘s made out to be
Strange how you've used Russia to support your argument. And not France, the US, or you know, any of the manifold prosperous and democratic republics that exist in this world.
Strange how you've used Russia to support your argument. And not France, the US, or you know, any of the manifold prosperous and democratic republics that exist in this world.

Nothing strange about it a graph was placed a few pages back and Russia was named along with one or two more countries
The countries you name are not mentioned but the US don’t strike me as a country I would want to model ourselves on. There is extreme poverty in the US They still have a hierarchy as we have of the extremely rich and privileged and a huge trailer tent population that have no healthcare.

It has swung to the right with Trump a proven insurrection driver yet the people still want to elect him back into power.
I spend most of my time in the Russia Ukraine thread what Russia is doing to a stable democratic country is typical of Putin but the US with all its riches are reluctant to support Ukraine.
Nothing strange about it a graph was placed a few pages back and Russia was named along with one or two more countries

The countries you name are not mentioned but the US don’t strike me as a country I would want to model ourselves on. There is extreme poverty in the US They still have a hierarchy as we have of the extremely rich and privileged and a huge trailer tent population that have no healthcare.

It has swung to the right with Trump a proven insurrection driver yet the people still want to elect him back into power.
I spend most of my time in the Russia Ukraine thread what Russia is doing to a stable democratic country is typical of Putin but the US with all its riches are reluctant to support Ukraine.

The point of the graph wasnt the standout events it was the trend of decline.

Russia was an absolute monarchy until 1917.

It's an absolute dictatorship in 2024.
Nothing strange about it a graph was placed a few pages back and Russia was named along with one or two more countries

The countries you name are not mentioned but the US don’t strike me as a country I would want to model ourselves on. There is extreme poverty in the US They still have a hierarchy as we have of the extremely rich and privileged and a huge trailer tent population that have no healthcare.

It has swung to the right with Trump a proven insurrection driver yet the people still want to elect him back into power.
I spend most of my time in the Russia Ukraine thread what Russia is doing to a stable democratic country is typical of Putin but the US with all its riches are reluctant to support Ukraine.
I'm not sure what you're trying to illustrate with that graph? It only compounds the fact the existence of monarchies has been on a downward trend since the early 20th century. The US has extreme poverty but then so do we; in the UK child poverty is at an all time high and more demographs are priced out of the housing ladder than ever before. We're hardly a standard-bearer for reducing poverty and easing social mobility. And your point about the US not supporting Ukraine is desperately ill-informed; frankly, it's bollocks. The US has supported Ukraine with financial aid just as the UK has. If you mean not sending ground troops then that won't happen until a NATO ally is infringed upon. It's a statute of the treaty that an attack on one member is an attack on all; until that happens the West won't escalate.

Irrespective of all this, using Russia as your defence against republicanism is pretty flimsy.
The point of the graph wasnt the standout events it was the trend of decline.

Russia was an absolute monarchy until 1917.

It's an absolute dictatorship in 2024.

I'm not sure what you're trying to illustrate with that graph? It only compounds the fact the existence of monarchies has been on a downward trend since the early 20th century. The US has extreme poverty but then so do we; in the UK child poverty is at an all time high and more demographs are priced out of the housing ladder than ever before. We're hardly a standard-bearer for reducing poverty and easing social mobility. And your point about the US not supporting Ukraine is desperately ill-informed; frankly, it's bollocks. The US has supported Ukraine with financial aid just as the UK has. If you mean not sending ground troops then that won't happen until a NATO ally is infringed upon. It's a statute of the treaty that an attack on one member is an attack on all; until that happens the West won't escalate.

Irrespective of all this, using Russia as your defence against republicanism is pretty flimsy.

Nothing strange about it a graph was placed a few pages back and Russia was named along with one or two more countries

The countries you name are not mentioned but the US don’t strike me as a country I would want to model ourselves on. There is extreme poverty in the US They still have a hierarchy as we have of the extremely rich and privileged and a huge trailer tent population that have no healthcare.

It has swung to the right with Trump a proven insurrection driver yet the people still want to elect him back into power.
I spend most of my time in the Russia Ukraine thread what Russia is doing to a stable democratic country is typical of Putin but the US with all its riches are reluctant to support Ukraine.

The question was why I chose Russia ?? and not France or America I explained why I chose Russia because Russia demonstrates what can happen to any country once it changes its power struggle.

This is a power struggle between people like myself who are content with a Monarchy and those who would prefer a republic, it’s a pointless discussion about something I clearly explained
I’m not one bit envious of the RF I love our titles Mr and Mrs nothing on earth would make me want to live a life in a goldfish bowl. With every detail inspected and picked over on social media and TV.
They still suffer all the illnesses and drawbacks in life that I do worrying about the kids or health issues . Lying on your deathbed it must be so hard to leave all the wealth and money behind your still going the same place we all go in the end.

Come the day of a referendum I’ll vote to keep the RF, the idea of a republic doesn’t do it for me. Think of the Russian Revolution and who they have in power now, Putin invaded Ukraine and thousands are dying for his trying to restore the old USSR no Republics are not the golden ticket it‘s made out to be

Strange how you've used Russia to support your argument. And not France, the US, or you know, any of the manifold prosperous and democratic republics that exist in this world.
No more explanations I’m out of here until King Charles releases a statement or Prince Harry comes home to see his Dad
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