The British Monarchy

Vine said the king shaking hands with people with cancer is the same as diana hugging and touching aids patients , jesus christ !

People have proper jobs which they do whilst having chemo , shaking a few hands is not work

It's a ridiculous reference. There aren't any myths about cancer being spread by touch.
If I was his age, and undergoing chemo, I'd want to just put my feet up and rest.

He is obviously different from a "normal" 70 odd year old but I think his attempts to still get out there and want to reach out to others in the same situation should be applauded, not denigrated.
Not a bad thing at all but the news and this morning etc are lauding him going back to work as so brave when doing what he does is not work , as tin says they are not getting the state of the art , immediate treatment that he is getting
Which Charles has acknowledged. What do you expect him to actually do? Get on the 98 bus and "clog up" the NHS?

I know you loved Diana, but she could spin on a sixpence when it came to who she liked and who she didn't. Flakey as fuck. Was that the result of her marriage? Possibly, but the seeds were sown in her upbringing.

I recognized what she did for Aids patients but let's admit that Charles efforts for raising awareness of those suffering from cancer should also be applauded.
I’m no Royal lover but the fact that he got off his poorly arse to bring a little distraction for others must be seen as a selfless act.

Good on him.
He’s probably made a few people’s day yesterday; people who are otherwise terrified and anxious.

How can that be a bad thing?
Not a bad thing at all but the news and this morning etc are lauding him going back to work as so brave when doing what he does is not work , as tin says they are not getting the state of the art , immediate treatment that he is getting
But it is his work! His job is an accident of birth , its not his fault. And i wouldnt do the job for any amount of money. Your life isnt your own.

The relevance of monarchy is a different conversation but his job happens to be opening schools and shaking hands with people. And all i see when i watched the queen, king charles, prince william etc at such events is lots of people smiling.

And as regards to the treatment, richard branson gets better treatment than your or i would, again, thats a conversation about the NHS. Ans actually you could say that by paying privately they are easing that burden.

I just dont see the point in you slagging the man for doing the job he was (rightly or wrongly) born into

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