The club only cares about the 'new fans'

charliebigspuds said:
Got my credit card statement today and I've been charged twice for the Kiev game (I'm in the cup scheme) I've phoned City and they've said they have credited my account but my statement says they haven't. I phoned my CC company and they have confirmed they haven't credited my account so I phoned City back and told them, I've now got to go to City with my statement and PROVE that I haven't had my money, they've fucked up and I've got to prove that they have!!! I work full time, can't afford to take time off to get my £22.50 back and apart from that I've heard the queues for Citys ticket office are rather large ATM. Piss-poor service if you ask me

Thing is, what if their account shows that they have credited you, and the bank are the ones who lost it? Now I DON'T think you're doing this but I bet you a big club like City gets people trying to con them out of money with stuff like this all the time. If they just say "OK, we'll give you the money" without checking to make sure, they are essentially opening themselves up to all kinds of scams. It's a business' responsibility to take care of their accounts as well as their customers. In fact I think that businesses have to sign charters with the banks who look after their corporate accounts to say they will ALWAYS double-check stuff like this. If they don't, the bank says "you aren't capable of protecting against fraud" and refuse to let them hold accounts with them. What they're doing is no different from insurance companies who insist on seeing proof of accidents, except for that the money involved is far smaller.
we will do what my rag brother had to do before he was totally priced out of the game, You look at which things in life are more important to yourself. Making sure you are still enjoying the occasion . He ended up sharing a season ticket (sorting out games at start of season ,so as not to fall out with his mate). It was like a slow lingering death ,moving from cheaper to cheaper seats until finally he was stuck in a stand one evening game . Absolutely no atmosphere ,team down 1-0 ,no encouragement from the stand near him . He joined in with the Stretford end chanting,stood up on his own with awkward looks from people around him in the block. He looked around to find ONE , yes one other person , who looked around to our kid and acknowledged the fact that they were the only two voices in a whole block. He nonthe less carried on singing along with other lonely voice about 30 rows below him ,who by now had turned to me brother .Trying in vain to orchestrate the mass of tourists ,some arms folded ,some who out of embarressment had stuck their noses in their programmes ,some with cameras and phones at the ready to capture there entertainment .
He relayed this tale to me , and I scoffed at the time . Telling him that his club had sold out years ago ,and to be grateful of the success since he had been going . He just lost the will to spend hard earned money being told to sit down,shush,excuse me, shirt changing every two minutes, cup schemes ,sitting with mutes,missing re-arranged sky games,ridiculously priced programmes, no cup final tickets , no passionate fans to carry the team forward. How I laughed then ,but boy do I feel like a hypocrite now.
The sad thing is that he saw unpresidented success . How long before I know how he felt for all those years , I`m already seing the soul destroying match experience I think the club calls it. Sorry its so long winded but, I feel I kind of know where he was coming from . I hope we have a sample of the joy he must of felt , he`s still a fan , but not a supporter anymore . Lets hope we can experience memories for life . CTID

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