The club only cares about the 'new fans'

I gauge how the club cares about us by the price of a cup of coffee at City.

It's currently being held at £2, which in my eyes means they like us, but they don't really care about us.
I'm not sure that this thread is going anywhere. It is oscillating between a vague opening post, light on evidence and a raft of "everything is great, how dare you" response.

You can agree with one side or the other but, to be honest, if you don't recognise that the debate involves several shades of gray then your opinion probably isn't worth listening to.

Personally, I veer towards the OPs point of view, although I still hold out hope that I have it all wrong and Garry Cook only gives the impression of pining for Old Trafford and isn't in reality after turning City into that lot.

Anyway, seeing as he won't give examples, I'll give a couple off the top of my head that make me very reluctant to trust Cook.

- North Stand season ticket holders shafted last year, unarguably in an attempt to attract new fans

- The £250 season tickets painted as a gift from the Gods when they were in fact a much needed gesture of apology to those people shafted and actually a one-off, one-year offer that still leaves all North Stand evictees paying more next year than they would be if they had been allowed to stay where they were

- The begging letters sent to some of those evictees when they realised they they had to invite some of them back to actually fill the Wacky Warehouse stand - cynically then trying to brand their exact same seats as now being in the Colin Bell or East Stand, thus charging them a chunk more for exactly the same seats, after being messed about

- The extreme bias shown in the wording of questions in these questionnaires sent out, almost certainly in an attempt to justify future decisions that they want to push through. How many people do you really know who would have said "Yes I want the whole of the North Stand turned into a creche along with the whole of the second tier at the sides turned into a rich man's area"? Not many I bet. How many do you think answered the questions in these surveys in such a way that allow City to paint their answers in a way that supports those decisions.

- The hundreds of unfamiliar faces in the away end at Old Trafford and the suspicion that the crowd that day included a silly amount of corporate tickets and day trippers.

- The snide pushing of the compulsory Malcolm Glazer cup scheme by making it vital for anyone who wants any sort of big game ticket, without having the balls to actually do the deed like Uncle Malcolm did it and actually say you have to be in it.

- The constant sound bites from the club until this season about understanding that the catering and drinks prices are at a daft level, whilst still constantly cranking them up and telling us how they are introducing gourmet food in every stand

- The further eviction of people from Level 2 next season.

- The farce that is £48 for the cheapest tickets available to non season tickets holders for numerous games this season.

- The constant soundbites from Cook about how important the fans continue to be to the club yet it not being reflected by his actions (that's a personal one for me, I judge on actions not words and don't trust people whose volume of words on a subject so far outweigh his actions)

- The very cynical parking price rise in the club car park from £5 to £10 this year - pure profiteering. Plus, and I might not be right here, but haven't they rearranged who can park where to separate it into a peasants' car park and a rich man's car park - that might be just the impression I get.

- The same with the season ticket price rises last year. Someone sat down and worked out to the virtual last penny how much was the full maximum amount they could squeeze out of the fans this season and how much every aspect of going to the game could be increased in price until people would stop going - this was pure profiteering to the maximum extent, with economics and bottom line being the only concern and the only thing that stopped prices being pushed up even further (imo).

- The farce that is half time and before the game 'entertainment'. Who do you know who wants that? No-one who has traditionally gone to City, I bet.

- Oh, and one more personal one from me, based solely on my professional dealings and perspective on how things work. Garry Cook is purely a marketing professional. He has no football credentials and the only justification of him being in his role and being one of the, if not the, highest paid Chief Exec's in football is that he will use these marketing skills. Unfortunately, if you treat a football club's fans as the same sort of commodity as Nike customers then you can only get a cynical and exploitative attitude towards them. If he isn't changing the profile of 'matchgoers' in order to get the maximum amount of revenue into the club, then there is no other way that he can justify his position. He certainly doesn't bring football expertise or respect. He doesn't bring in depth knowledge of the business. He doesn't bring a sports club management wealth of experience. He justifies his role by solely increasing revenues - especially match day revenues. I don't believe he can justify his role at the club without doing that and I think all of the above reflects him doing that. Fair play, he is doing his job well, I just don't share the same view of what a Chief Exec's priorities should be in a football club. But I also accept many will view that as idealistic and silly.

So, there's some examples. You might think they are nothing. I thing they indicate what the OP says. Either way, get a grip and raise the debate a little above the 'everything is shit'/'everything is excellent, they love us so much' backwards and forth tennis match.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I'm not sure that this thread is going anywhere. It is oscillating between a vague opening post, light on evidence and a raft of "everything is great, how dare you" response.

You can agree with one side or the other but, to be honest, if you don't recognise that the debate involves several shades of gray then your opinion probably isn't worth listening to.

Personally, I veer towards the OPs point of view, although I still hold out hope that I have it all wrong and Garry Cook only gives the impression of pining for Old Trafford and isn't in reality after turning City into that lot.

Anyway, seeing as he won't give examples, I'll give a couple off the top of my head that make me very reluctant to trust Cook.

- North Stand season ticket holders shafted last year, unarguably in an attempt to attract new fans

- The £250 season tickets painted as a gift from the Gods when they were in fact a much needed gesture of apology to those people shafted and actually a one-off, one-year offer that still leaves all North Stand evictees paying more next year than they would be if they had been allowed to stay where they were

- The begging letters sent to some of those evictees when they realised they they had to invite some of them back to actually fill the Wacky Warehouse stand - cynically then trying to brand their exact same seats as now being in the Colin Bell or East Stand, thus charging them a chunk more for exactly the same seats, after being messed about

- The extreme bias shown in the wording of questions in these questionnaires sent out, almost certainly in an attempt to justify future decisions that they want to push through. How many people do you really know who would have said "Yes I want the whole of the North Stand turned into a creche along with the whole of the second tier at the sides turned into a rich man's area"? Not many I bet. How many do you think answered the questions in these surveys in such a way that allow City to paint their answers in a way that supports those decisions.

- The hundreds of unfamiliar faces in the away end at Old Trafford and the suspicion that the crowd that day included a silly amount of corporate tickets and day trippers.

- The snide pushing of the compulsory Malcolm Glazer cup scheme by making it vital for anyone who wants any sort of big game ticket, without having the balls to actually do the deed like Uncle Malcolm did it and actually say you have to be in it.

- The constant sound bites from the club until this season about understanding that the catering and drinks prices are at a daft level, whilst still constantly cranking them up and telling us how they are introducing gourmet food in every stand

- The further eviction of people from Level 2 next season.

- The farce that is £48 for the cheapest tickets available to non season tickets holders for numerous games this season.

- The constant soundbites from Cook about how important the fans continue to be to the club yet it not being reflected by his actions (that's a personal one for me, I judge on actions not words and don't trust people whose volume of words on a subject so far outweigh his actions)

- The very cynical parking price rise in the club car park from £5 to £10 this year - pure profiteering. Plus, and I might not be right here, but haven't they rearranged who can park where to separate it into a peasants' car park and a rich man's car park - that might be just the impression I get.

- The same with the season ticket price rises last year. Someone sat down and worked out to the virtual last penny how much was the full maximum amount they could squeeze out of the fans this season and how much every aspect of going to the game could be increased in price until people would stop going - this was pure profiteering to the maximum extent, with economics and bottom line being the only concern and the only thing that stopped prices being pushed up even further (imo).

- The farce that is half time and before the game 'entertainment'. Who do you know who wants that? No-one who has traditionally gone to City, I bet.

- Oh, and one more personal one from me, based solely on my professional dealings and perspective on how things work. Garry Cook is purely a marketing professional. He has no football credentials and the only justification of him being in his role and being one of the, if not the, highest paid Chief Exec's in football is that he will use these marketing skills. Unfortunately, if you treat a football club's fans as the same sort of commodity as Nike customers then you can only get a cynical and exploitative attitude towards them. If he isn't changing the profile of 'matchgoers' in order to get the maximum amount of revenue into the club, then there is no other way that he can justify his position. He certainly doesn't bring football expertise or respect. He doesn't bring in depth knowledge of the business. He doesn't bring a sports club management wealth of experience. He justifies his role by solely increasing revenues - especially match day revenues. I don't believe he can justify his role at the club without doing that and I think all of the above reflects him doing that. Fair play, he is doing his job well, I just don't share the same view of what a Chief Exec's priorities should be in a football club. But I also accept many will view that as idealistic and silly.

So, there's some examples. You might think they are nothing. I thing they indicate what the OP says. Either way, get a grip and raise the debate a little above the 'everything is shit'/'everything is excellent, they love us so much' backwards and forth tennis match.

and who is it that has targetted GC to do his job and increase revenues......
Pecking Order.

Sheikh Mansour

Khaldoon Al Mubarak

Gary Cook

Working for the club(Fill in as appropriate)

The fans

Showsec Security Guards.

-- Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:43 pm --

Can I add.

The love in with the OSC's.

The promise of improving the atmosphere/fan experience in the SS and other singing sections. Nothing was ever done. (great food at the meetings though)

OTT reaction from certain stewards and Showsec, that still hasn't been addressed.

Official dumbing down of the Poznan celebrations. Surely the most (fill in as appropriate) by the club this season. Lol!

OTT policy on checking season tickets when entering your block.

The recent club statement regarding the reintroduction of safe standing. I don't remember the club consulting the fans or sending me/us a survey about this very important issue.

F*** me! Can they get anything right. ;-)
blumoonrises said:
Freestyler said:
I appreciate everything the Sheikh has done for city, but what i'm posting next has no relevance to the Sheikh, and he in my opinion he doesn't get involved in anything how the fans are being treated, that's down the staff at city but i've just wanted to say this for a while and now i'll come out with it...

You can build this and that, inside/outside the ground. Put on open days, but the fact of the matter is and it saddens me to say this, the club only care about the new generation of fans, it seems anyone who jumped on the bandwagon since the takeover, is more important than the older generation and the fans who've been there since Maine Road.

Cook constantly uses the words 'loyalty' and 'old fan base', i see absolutely nothing being done that supports or benefits our older fan base, from the final days of Maine road all the way back to 1970's. it's now all about the new fans that have showed up.

the club have shit on the fans who've been their long before money was an object, back when players played for the badge.

everything is nice and cosy at city at the moment, but it's all about the new breed. that i can understand. the club are building for the future and want to get the next generation of people in.

but the bottom line and the fact of the matter is, the club is shutting out the people who've been there along time and are the backbone of the long time fans that still go, and i don't even think they realise it. it's all about making money now whilst trying to throw in the odd 'fan experience' bollocks, to cover everything up.

I don't get what you mean.. After 34 yrs I don't feel I am being "shut out" in any way..? you need to back up your claims..

Obv we want to appeal to and ADD new fans but what would be the point of REPLACING old fans which you appear to claim..?

30+ years for me too and I dont feel as though I am being shut out for some 'new breed'..?
I see where the OP is coming from. A few days ago we were all pissed off at how Chelsea and Utd had sold out on a silly amount of loyalty points, and there were unfamiliar faces which were most likely from corporate seats. It's obvious they're paying more attention to potential fans than us. Hotels and restaurants being built next to the stadium I'm hearing... I'm not going to use them.

I understand why they're doing it, but I don't like it. I think they understand that a lot of us will continue to watch City home and away despite the increasing prices and relocation. I know a few will take a stand, but really, I've been moved from the North Stand, had no hesitation to stop going, now in 210 which is even better to be fair, but if they tell me I have to relocate again I will. And if the ticket prices increase, unless there's genuinely no way of me being able to afford it, I'll still buy a season ticket. I love City too much to not watch them.

So they'll focus on the day tripping/fickle 'fans' who may be less obliged to put their money into the club if they're not pleased. And the new 'fans' who will pay higher prices for greater luxuries, aka the prawn sandwich brigade. If they focused on making it amazing for the loyal fans, what would change? We'd still go to matches but not really put any more money into the club. Whereas getting in 10,000 or so who will buy a new shirt and pay extra for comfy, heated seats would make more money. And basically, it's an investment. I love Sheikh Mansour for buying the club, but he obviously wants to make money out of it. He's a businessman, football's now a business.
Freestyler, sorry but now you are just sounding like these legions of wannabe ITKs that swarm the transfer forum each time a transfer windows draws near and make posts like "I know something, but I cannot say it, but someone on here PMed me and thinks the same" .

Expected better from you.
Tipping point. (foam hands)


They don't give a s***!

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