The Conservative Party/Government

Was in Newark a couple of weeks ago. Think Jenrick is safe, but Gillis is probably toast, although there are a lot of white racists in Stoke.
Especially that end of Stoke, they think they should be part of Cheshire.

Electoral Calculus shows local polls predicting both to go, so I live in hope for now.
Especially that end of Stoke, they think they should be part of Cheshire.

Electoral Calculus shows local polls predicting both to go, so I live in hope for now.
I know Newark pretty well and it’s very right wing, but then again so is Jenrick, which means Reform are less likely to take votes from him imo.

Edit: Electoral Calculus also says that there’s a 94% chance of the LibDems winning Stratford which is wildly optimistic. Think it will be close, but 94%?!!
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I know Newark pretty well and it’s very right wing, but then again so is Jenrick, which means Reform are less likely to take votes from him imo.

Edit: Electoral Calculus also says that there’s a 94% chance of the LibDems winning Stratford which is wildly optimistic. Think it will be close, but 94%?!!
Yes, there’s some wildly optimistic stuff on Electoral Calculus!
Tory seats I would love to see lost on Thurs ( no particular order). The country will be a better place without them

TC wanker Davies
Thick as shit Atkins
Reet Smug

I hope you’re right but Patel is my MP and I can tell you she’s safe as houses. Typically the leaflets she’s been posting through the door aren’t blue and have her picture plastered all over them.

You wouldn’t even know she was a Tory if it weren’t for her smug face.
I hope you’re right but Patel is my MP and I can tell you she’s safe as houses. Typically the leaflets she’s been posting through the door aren’t blue and have her picture plastered all over them.

You wouldn’t even know she was a Tory if it weren’t for her smug face.
In my dream scenario, Labour have a stonking majority, those Tories I mentioned lose their seats and the remaining stand down as Ed has secured the Opposition party.
I’ve no idea who is likely to lose them, but those I listed are the ones who irritate the fuck out of me. Hopefully, the Tories are that destroyed, any left will simply fuck off from politics, which is a possibility as cannot see them having the stomach to be the opposition
The hope is the post election bloodletting further reduces the number of self-servatives in the HoC.
Ideally about 75 Tories elected, with 70 Lib-dems, and in the internal battle between the extreme right loons and any one nation types still involved, three defect to the Lib-dems, leaving 72 Tory MP's and 73 Lib-dem MP's and the official opposition wearing yellow rosettes...
Far fetched or quite possible.....
I’m disappointed that due to boundary changes our new Labour candidate is a Momentum fruitcake.

I’ll be voting Lib Dem.

Not that it matters, safest of safe Labour constituency.
You think Starmer missed one?
I know Newark pretty well and it’s very right wing, but then again so is Jenrick, which means Reform are less likely to take votes from him imo.

Edit: Electoral Calculus also says that there’s a 94% chance of the LibDems winning Stratford which is wildly optimistic. Think it will be close, but 94%?!!
This site puts all the MRPs together.

Most of them have Stratford staying Tory, and all are pretty close apart from Electoral Calculus.

Gullis is a gonna sure as eggs are eggs. And Bruce will be following.
Crewe & Nantwich also very likely going labour. Mullen has moved to stand in Bexhill. I’ve noticed so many “vote labour” posters everywhere in all three constituencies. I’ve not noticed even one for Bruce, and they were absolutely everywhere before the last GE.

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