The Conservative Party

Everyone likes free stuff, free stuff for all is what I say. Come on Labour stop being so racist and give people stuff. They might win with this policy. If your vote increased last time based on lots of giveaways the answer is to giveaway even more and to more people.

The poor just want free stuff, has been the mantra of dim know nothing right wingers, ever since not so dim richer right wingers coined it.
The poor just want free stuff, has been the mantra of dim know nothing right wingers, ever since not so dim richer right wingers coined it.
The poor just want free stuff.

Actually I posted that as a wind up of course, but it is to state the obvious that get they get an awful lot of free stuff. I've no idea how much of my tax goes towards welfare and infrastructure etc for *me*, but it's a small percentage, and the rest of the money I pay in taxes is given to other people. I have no issue with this in principle. All the debate - right vs left - is about the amount. Labour seem to think that any arbitrarily large amount is not enough. I wonder at what levels of taxation, Labour would start saying "the rich are paying too much tax, we need to give them their money back"?
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Tories pulled a Finance bill today as those rascals on the other side sneaked in an amendment requiring overseas crown territories to disclose beneficiaries of trusts (i.e. stop tax dodging in places like the BVI / Cayman).

Normal process is to defeat the unwanted amendment however the maths did not work today and they stood a good chance of losing. Repeatedly loosing (or delaying) finance bills would mean the government would stall and an election by default.

This government is just about swimming with its head above water.
Tories pulled a Finance bill today as those rascals on the other side sneaked in an amendment requiring overseas crown territories to disclose beneficiaries of trusts (i.e. stop tax dodging in places like the BVI / Cayman).

Normal process is to defeat the unwanted amendment however the maths did not work today and they stood a good chance of losing. Repeatedly loosing (or delaying) finance bills would mean the government would stall and an election by default.

This government is just about swimming with its head above water.

Only just and how many times has she been defeated now? They love to use that term record levels of funding funnily they never use it about themselves like the record level of defeat on the Brexit withdrawal agreement or the record amount of times defeated in parliament. They have become a bit of a joke and can anyone remember the last time they got something that was worth while through?
So in the last 24 hrs we have had ministers calling people coloureds, ministers saying there were no crimes committed by British troops in Northern Ireland and a former minister telling her party that they are doing nothing about institutional Islamophobia whilst at the same time the PM telling the EU that THEY have to do something to the backstop she invented and wanted in the WA so she can get the WA already rejected by a record amount of votes through Parliament???? And this is a Govt? The Fixed Term Parliament Act is having some major benefits for the Tories here.
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