I would at this point say ..... you do realise that the Conservatives have doubled the national debt. (again)
Oh god not this shit again.
You do realise that when the Tories took over, they took over a national debt which was RISING by £160bn a year, don't you? Deficit and debt; that old chestnut.
Your "criticism" is like driving a car at 100 mph, realising your down the wrong road, handing the wheel to another driving (still doing 100 mph down the wrong road) and criticising him for the car travelling on a couple of hundred metres further before he can stop and turn around.
Unless the new driver stopped *instantly* (i.e. impossible) then necessarily he ends up further down the road than when he was handed the wheel.
Unless the Tories stopped the debt rising *instantly* (i.e. impossible) then the debt ends up higher than when they took over.
Distilling it down to basics since this is all pretty bleeding obvious really, you do not reduce debt by borrowing and spending more (i.e. Labour policy) do you? I mean surely that much is obvious? We've got huge amounts of national debt, so the Labour "solution" is to not reduce spending, but to borrow *more*? Any idiot can surely see that's a bonkers idea.
Yes there are cases for strategic borrowing to fund infrastructure investment or to provide a short term boost to the economy, but it has to be strategic and short term. To get things going. You cannot simply continue to borrow more and spend more and expect to keep debt under control. How on earth could anyone expect that to work?