The Conservative Party

As predicted Raab's version of events has begun to unravel within the hour

On the BBC, that got raised to him while he was on, acknowledging that he couldn't be expected to be aware of MacDonald's comments.

As I said yesterday, they are using a very very narrow definition of 'specific' for complaints made/investigated in this matter, similar to what they do to avoid answering other things.
I'm starting to think Rabb gets a semi having his arse handed to him by Kay Burley everytime Johnson fucks up.
I have been Anti Tory all my life, there was a time though that I understood why people voted for them. I knew that England especially was an inherently small "c" Conservative country. Small "c" Conservative values are part of being English, they are part of my make up and I say that as a Socialist. Those values of resisting radical social change have always been part of our countries fabric. Conservatism was honest, it meant well, those who voted Tory did so in the belief that there would be no radical change and that the the fabric of the nation would not change dramatically, it would be incremental, slow and life enhancing, not life changing. The party was moderate on social values, it wasn't averse to change but it was sceptical of change. It was complimentarian rather than egalitarian, it valued cultural heritage, familialism, natural law and most importantly public morality.

What we are witnessing under the rule of Johnson is the utter debasement and trashing of the old small "c" Conservative values. Our cultural heritage is not valued, it is used to invent culture wars, wars that divide and subjugate rather than enhance lives. Family values as we know and expect them are made a running joke when the PM himself is caught having oral sex in Parliament from his mistress, whilst his then wife was seriously ill with cancer. Natural law inherent to Conservative values is ignored, the belief we all have certain rights regardless has proved to be nonsense with their vicious policy of sending human beings to Rwanda on the spurious notion it would stop people traffickers, that is not Conservatism, that is pandering to extremists on the far right and in the words of the excellent SNP MP Mhiari Black close to the F word. Then we have public morality, we expect those who we elect from whatever party to hold themselves to the highest of standards. What we have from this current Conservative party is indicative of the leaders morality. He has no morals, he believes standards in public office do not apply to him, he rides roughshod over our nations morality because he believes he has nothing to answer for or answer too. Sadly those who surround him, those who lie for him on what is now a daily basis are also sullying their own reputations and the reputation of our country. The latest scandal involving Pincher has taken the nation to a new low. Raab is on TV now trying to somehow defend the PM who is ultimately responsible. They hide behind process and are afraid to say it how it is. Johnson has some sort of hold over these MPs, it is scary. The PM has allowed one of his friends to behave in a predatory manner and has ignored it. I cannot imagine anybody on here would do that, it is morally repugnant.

I should be happy as a lifelong anti Tory that Johnson is destroying the party whilst pursuing personal vanity, but I am not, I am saddened by it, I am saddened for our country, our people and for all the decent Tories. Johnson has taken the party rightwards, it is increasingly authoritarian, it is increasingly dangerous and Fascism does not arrive in jackboots, it arrives by stealth and it is backed by a zealous media and by corporate greed.
I have been Anti Tory all my life, there was a time though that I understood why people voted for them. I knew that England especially was an inherently small "c" Conservative country. Small "c" Conservative values are part of being English, they are part of my make up and I say that as a Socialist. Those values of resisting radical social change have always been part of our countries fabric. Conservatism was honest, it meant well, those who voted Tory did so in the belief that there would be no radical change and that the the fabric of the nation would not change dramatically, it would be incremental, slow and life enhancing, not life changing. The party was moderate on social values, it wasn't averse to change but it was sceptical of change. It was complimentarian rather than egalitarian, it valued cultural heritage, familialism, natural law and most importantly public morality.

What we are witnessing under the rule of Johnson is the utter debasement and trashing of the old small "c" Conservative values. Our cultural heritage is not valued, it is used to invent culture wars, wars that divide and subjugate rather than enhance lives. Family values as we know and expect them are made a running joke when the PM himself is caught having oral sex in Parliament from his mistress, whilst his then wife was seriously ill with cancer. Natural law inherent to Conservative values is ignored, the belief we all have certain rights regardless has proved to be nonsense with their vicious policy of sending human beings to Rwanda on the spurious notion it would stop people traffickers, that is not Conservatism, that is pandering to extremists on the far right and in the words of the excellent SNP MP Mhiari Black close to the F word. Then we have public morality, we expect those who we elect from whatever party to hold themselves to the highest of standards. What we have from this current Conservative party is indicative of the leaders morality. He has no morals, he believes standards in public office do not apply to him, he rides roughshod over our nations morality because he believes he has nothing to answer for or answer too. Sadly those who surround him, those who lie for him on what is now a daily basis are also sullying their own reputations and the reputation of our country. The latest scandal involving Pincher has taken the nation to a new low. Raab is on TV now trying to somehow defend the PM who is ultimately responsible. They hide behind process and are afraid to say it how it is. Johnson has some sort of hold over these MPs, it is scary. The PM has allowed one of his friends to behave in a predatory manner and has ignored it. I cannot imagine anybody on here would do that, it is morally repugnant.

I should be happy as a lifelong anti Tory that Johnson is destroying the party whilst pursuing personal vanity, but I am not, I am saddened by it, I am saddened for our country, our people and for all the decent Tories. Johnson has taken the party rightwards, it is increasingly authoritarian, it is increasingly dangerous and Fascism does not arrive in jackboots, it arrives by stealth and it is backed by a zealous media and by corporate greed.
Couldn’t agree more.
It’s almost a Faustian pact between the tories and the smirking lying devil to win an election.
The first part of the deal worked- he won them that election but now they have to pay the price for selling their soul.
74 years ago, almost to the day, at a Labour Party Rally in Manchester, Nye Bevan made his famous “vermin” speech (called the Tories lower than vermin). In my eyes, nothing has changed to alter that.
The current crop of ministers and MPs certainly are. Its now almost a daily occurrence that they manage to lower an already historically low bar. They do not appear to mind being sent out in front of the media to soil themselves on behalf of the lying narcissist. If it was me I would tell him to get fucked, but they appear genuinely in awe of the fat lying fucker. It is Cult like behaviour.

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