The Conservative Party

There is a clear rift now but its not so much on policy lines but personality. Those that refuse to see any wrongdoing and those that do and whant to move away from the Johnson mold of BS your way through endless scandal.

This move will only make this rift worse.

Yes, it's petty and can't be masked as anything else.
No one seemed happy with it, male or female. I initially didn't realise and was having a piss when two women walked in leaving everyone a bit uncomfortable. Just used the cubicles for the rest of the night, all very odd.
Many years go, I went in a Pissoir on the Champers Elsies in Paris , and half way through, a female cleaner came in and started cleaning, with no regard to whether there was anybody in or not. Similarly, it was a common sight to see men pissing in the bushes in a lay by in full view of passing cars. Nobody batted an eyelid.
Can’t send a link, unfortunately, but Sherelle Jacobs has a piece in the Telegraph outlining the deeper ideological divisions that are becoming more evident in the Conservative Party. They’re basically out of unifying ideas and unable now to control the narrative, let alone events, so even after the new leader is elected we’ll see a period of fractious politics.
Thanks for that its an interesting article in that it gives you the Telegraphs view of the 4 candidates. I was struggling to understand what Ms Mordaunt was all about and as a brexiteer why the right were not so keen. The article describes her as follows:

"within the Blairite tradition. - The fact that so many MPs have swung behind Ms Mordaunt is revealing. We can see more plainly than ever just how many Conservative MPs remain enchanted by the New Labour legacy. Despite Brexit and the North’s revolt against Labour, they still seem to think that they can win an election based on the 1997 playbook." So a lefty in the eyes of the Telegraph.

And whats up with Truss: well she "has made no attempt to make a new cultural case for personal responsibility to the Red Wall." Presumably here they are saying Truss needs to tell these Red Wall types to forget about levelling up and accept their position in society i.e. poor scum.

On the other hand "Badenochism fixates on a fresh enemy, which isn’t socialism but paternalism. She is the only candidate who has identified a link between wokery and statism"

So for the Telegraph wokery is bad and therefore you need to bash gays and trans people a bit to really get how to run the UK government. They See Badenoch as a "new insurgent strain" I take that as they like it. However, "The problem is that Badenoch’s arguments aren’t yet fully formed" so she is a bit young and no one knows who she is...
This just gives the lie to whole brexit charade.
I suspect that very few brexiters read or understood any of these facts, which are simple demonstrations of how ludicrous the concepts of ‘sovereignty’ or ‘ taking back control’ actually are and I certainly don’t remember any campaigners mentioning it- and how we are inextricably bound up with other countries and foreign businesses.
Still, they what they were voting for.

I did make the "they need us more than we need them " idea a joke didn't it? I mean they can literally turn the UK off at the mains if they want to or are told to and there is nothing we who are in control can do about it
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I did make the "they need us more than we need them " idea a joke didn't it? I mean they can literally turn the UK off at the mains if they want to or are told to and there is nothing we who are in control can do about it
So what we need is control of the commanding heights of the economy. Just send the troops in to run everything.
I wonder if they’ll ever ‘take back control’ from the people they’ve sold the national infrastructure to? Of course they won’t, because everything they do is about raising cash for the very few and saddling the very many with years of paying for it. Their greatest triumph though is how they convince ‘ordinary people’ that they’re on their side!

Even the Mail, via the Alex Brummer column, have been questioning privatisation, which suggests something has gone very, very wrong…

I have paraphrased an article and added one a few other thoughts/observations.
Within a few short decades of privatisation, several of the enterprises have been broken up and floated on the stock market and transferred their ownership from the UK state to overseas government control.

Vital strategic decisions on energy, transport and other services being taken in Paris, Berlin, Sydney, Amsterdam and Madrid rather than the UK.

The loss of command and control in vital industries and services is in the spotlight at present. John Holland-Kaye is the head at Heathrow but Hea throw has Spanish owners in Ferrovial, Qatar et al so, it’s hardly a surprise that sorting it out isn‘t top of the priority list

None of these distant owners care a jot about Emirates or BA, the passengers, or the role of Heathrow in the UK's service-driven economy.

When the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan was damaged by an earthquake in March 2011, the government of Angela Merkel in Berlin decided to halt new nuclear investment in Germany and decommission existing plants by 2022.

As a consequence, German power suppliers EON and RWE decided to cancel plans for new nuclear plants in the UK at Anglesey and Oldbury, saying the economics no longer made sense. Britain had ceded control over its electricity future to Berlin.
Even better, we decided to let France and China build our new nuclear energy plants, the only country to outsource nuclear energy building.
In this year's energy crisis the loudest protests about energy bills and the need for corporate bailouts came from Scottish Power. The utility is owned by Spain's Iberdrola which, in the past, has come under fire in Scotland for sending cash surpluses off to Spain for investment in wind farms in North America.

At present several UK water suppliers, including overseas-owned Anglian, Thames and Yorkshire, face serious enforcement actions from the UK Environment Agency for pollution.

Overseas and sometimes state ownership of UK utilities have done enough damage to us whist massively increasing the coffers for them. The Dutch readily admit that some of our train services subsidise fares in the Netherlands. Yet the UK's remaining home-owned and quoted bus and train franchises are next on the list whilst LNER, the one real success on the railways at the minute, is under immediate threat as the government look for a short term gain for a mid to longer term loss!

Stagecoach is being bought by German investment fund DWS, Aberdeen-based First Group is being targeted by private equity suitors and Newcastle's Go Ahead by Aussie and Spanish investors. Other than a sugar rush of cash for shareholders and executives, nothing positive can come from the loss of local ownership.

Then there is the matter of our energy supply in the midst of a global crisis. The French government currently is taking full control of one of the big five generators in the UK, Electricite de France (EDF).

President Emmanuel Macron is anxious to rehabilitate and expand France's nuclear fleet which has proved a source of national strength in the face of Russia's war on Ukraine. Resources potentially invested in next-generation nuclear in the UK could well be directed back home to France!

Are you only just getting your head round this ?
So what we need is control of the commanding heights of the economy. Just send the troops in to run everything.

would that be the troops on active service overseas or those driving ambulances or those promised to fix many other failings. The Tories are like Hitler in Downfall - they plan, they promise and they commit but overlook they are in the process of whittling the Army down to around a mere 70k troops
If that ever happens it’s likely they are shooting a porno on location and you are an extra in ‘Chicks with Dicks Vol IV’.

Good luck with your new career.
fuck me, people actually watch stuff like that, i never had you down as a deviant bob, but each to their own i suppose

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