The Conservative Party

If yesterday’s BofE predictions are correct, then the country will likely be in recession now for the duration of this Parliament and any recovery would only come in 2025 and be glacial.

Getting harder still to imagine another Conservative victory.
Unfortunately there's a significant number who will point at late-1970s Labour and Tony Blair's meltdown and say it will all be the same.
While they ignore 1980s Tory, 2010s austerity and post-Brexit current shitshow of corrupt incompetence.

They will be fed three word slogans by the MSM and it will be lapped up for regurgitation ad nauseum until it becomes the new truthspeak.

You don't need to fool all the people all of the time, just enough of the people at the right time.
Kwarteng seemed to be trying to put the blame on the Bank of England for getting their forecast wrong. I expect that that will continue to be a line peddled.
It's not our fault it's their fault.

New policy generated... Privatise the BofE!!!

Also known as sell it to rich investment banks.
Eventually there will be nothing left.
Mentioned in another thread. It was one of those that really does turn your head.

We are in shit-streak and the people who you would think would be working hard to mitigate the risk are sat on a sun filled lounger somewhere, doing absolutely fuck all. Following the BoE statement yesterday, I was expecting a further statement from the government but, once again, absolutely fuck all.

This country is being run by a load of selfish, untrustworthy, ill-disciplined, cowardly wankers.
they dont give a toss mate..Boris calls ordinary people the peasants and they lap it up and vote for him wonder he holds the voters in such contempt

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