The Conservative Party

For a great deal of people they/us will simply be working to keep ourselves simply exist.
Always thought we in this country were paying over the odds for everything anyway but I do wonder how other countries have it with energy prices.
I'd take a punt (even taking Brexit out to the equation) many aren't paying as much as us in 'dear old Blighty'.

Honestly....I've never been a rabid anti-tory but every time I see their faces on TV now (farewell TV) I'm close to bursting blood vessels in places I never knew I had.
It’s bad economics anyway. Take away discretionary spending and there will be job cuts across the private and public sector (less money in council budgets etc), which means there will be less less spending, and the race to the bottom continues.
I'm still waiting for an answer to whether the price of energy counts toward economic activity for GDP (so could stave off recession).
Exactly, there was a post not so long ago about pay rise’s. If the normal working class get a pay rise, it might mean more spent on the weekly shop, an extra evening or two in the pub or a chippy tea/takeaway all which goes back into the local economy and keeps the wheel turning it won’t go on a super yacht or new private jet. No disposable income means people will cut back on their shopping, socialising etc leading to local businesses shutting as we are already seeing then less money going to the treasury. You can’t kickstart an economy if the majority of your population have no disposable income to spend, I’m not an economist so I may be simplifying things here.n
Once again, the quote from Keynsian economist JK Galbraith about Reaganomics: "We have exchanged the certain spending of the poor for the discretionary spending of the rich."
For a great deal of people they/us will simply be working to keep ourselves simply exist.
Always thought we in this country were paying over the odds for everything anyway but I do wonder how other countries have it with energy prices.
I'd take a punt (even taking Brexit out to the equation) many aren't paying as much as us in 'dear old Blighty'.

Honestly....I've never been a rabid anti-tory but every time I see their faces on TV now (farewell TV) I'm close to bursting blood vessels in places I never knew I had.

when I was a kid we lived probably year to year in that in the 70's ( when Britain was looking to be bailed out by the IMF ) my parents planned a week away to give us all some respite - at its worst and ( sorry about this ) it was a week in a shabby caravan at Rhyl in Robin Hood Camp - it was simple it was all we knew and a week in a different environment was great - Christ my parents even took a friend of mine or one of my sisters friends the odd year to give them a break.

Now - under this bunch of cowboys who keep pushing the bollocks we are the 5th biggest economy ( we may be but that benefits hardly anyone ) people are not living year to year they went to living month to month - then week to week - many are now living day to day - this is under a Tory Govt who we are supposed to believe can be trusted with the economy - people need to fucking wake up or starve and freeze and to choose the latter is a weird political commitment

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