The Conservative Party

Just to point out - next Tuesday the smoke screen of the Queens Funeral will clear and the absolute least able and capable cabinet that I can recall in my 61 years is going to be enveloped in the biggest shit storm any govt has faced in living memory.

By the end of the year we will look back at todays currency and sales levels as the good old days
I have been at a loss for a while now. People keep saying we are one of the richest countries in the world; if this is so, why do we have so may people using food banks, choosing between food or fuel?
Am sure you already know this (or suspected it - maybe your question was rhetorical) but a country can be reasonably wealthy but also afflicted with severe economic inequality.

The UK is a classic example. It’s what neoliberal economic policies tend to produce pretty much wherever they have been implemented. For example, in New Zealand, when a previous government flirted with neoliberal economics they managed to create an underclass that had not previously existed.

But that’s all that Truss appears to have in her locker.
Michael Rosen, the British children's author, poet, presenter, political columnist, broadcaster and activist (who nearly died from Covid and spent a long time being treated for it) has tweeted this:

'After my stay in hospital (during which staff had saved my life at least twice), people asked me what I thought of the care I got. I said, it was mostly very good, but in the end, it was badly affected by one thing. 'What's that?' they said. 'Oxford commas,' I said.'

I have been at a loss for a while now. People keep saying we are one of the richest countries in the world; if this is so, why do we have so may people using food banks, choosing between food or fuel?
Because that’s what the current crop in charge want. Almost everything is a political choice and, where we are now, is a direct result of political choices made by successive governments since 2010. Sadly we’ve also got an almost entirely complicit press and media system and an intentionally poorly educated country, where which makes critical thinking impossible for the majority of the population. That‘s not by accident either….

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