The Conservative Party

All goes back to 2016 and Cameron. Gave into the gammon MPs in his party and gammon members to force a vote on leaving the EU. All about saving the Tory party from splitting up. The seed was sown and here we are. You watch the TV and no one mentions it. They just think it’s something that’s only recently started.
All goes back to 2016 and Cameron. Gave into the gammon MPs in his party and gammon members to force a vote on leaving the EU. All about saving the Tory party from splitting up. The seed was sown and here we are. You watch the TV and no one mentions it. They just think it’s something that’s only recently started.
And the media are complicit. They allow Conservatives to start the narrative at COVID and blame everything on international factors, but that masks the harsh reality. International events are a factor, but the media need to start connecting the dots.
Yes, I have of course cursed people.

But the point here is that Guru-Murthy (i) let him walk off in the first place pretty much unchallenged, (ii) was stupid enough to use that particular word when surrounded by microphones, and (iii) used a particular word which he knows he really shouldn’t be using. His apology isn’t aimed at Baker at all, it’s simply him trying to cover his arse because he knows that using that word will cause him no end of problems within his professional environment.

Above all I don’t see how a journalist calling an MP and minister a c**t is going to help the media hold the government to account with regard to its behaviour or conduct.
He didn’t just allow him to walk away, he’s blatantly still trying to talk to him and his mic is off… he’s been picked up on the other recording he doesn’t know is there.

Baker has accepted the apology.

Time to move on.
All goes back to 2016 and Cameron. Gave into the gammon MPs in his party and gammon members to force a vote on leaving the EU. All about saving the Tory party from splitting up. The seed was sown and here we are. You watch the TV and no one mentions it. They just think it’s something that’s only recently started.
A Braverman backer just said that it goes back 30 years and the way we started to use low wages and borrowing to do business.
All goes back to 2016 and Cameron. Gave into the gammon MPs in his party and gammon members to force a vote on leaving the EU. All about saving the Tory party from splitting up. The seed was sown and here we are. You watch the TV and no one mentions it. They just think it’s something that’s only recently started.

Do you think the EU vote could have been denied forever ? The gammon Mob were whipping up so many millions of people, I can imagine they would pin recent economic troubles on the EU and people would be rioting for a vote by now - to me, it was always a matter of time
All this because once upon a time another useless **** that was leader of this party shit himself over the pub crank in a cromby talking bollocks about 10 million romanians, then toddled off to his country estate when it all when tits up.

In the future history books the ham faced **** cameron should be villified as a coward that set us on a path of destruction
I was thinking about Cameron the other day, and was wishing for a penny for his thoughts. His public utterances since the vote have been platitudes around the will of the people being expressed, but privately he must be horrified at what he’s unleashed. Whatever anyone’s thoughts on his politics, he’s far less prone than Johnson to self delusion and his legacy will be important to him (as it will to all politicians) which is now utterly destroyed.

The fundamental mistakes he made were threefold. Firstly, calling the referendum; secondly heading up the Remain campaign; thirdly, the listless and ineffectual way he ran that campaign.

Think he was right to resign though, and I don’t think it’s fair to characterise that as cowardice, especially given the grotesque way that Johnson clung on to power, and the way that Truss will too.

That’s a sideshow though. Up to that point, I actually thought he was a capable and sure footed politician, and I’ve been proved conspicuously and spectacularly wrong on that score. He made a series of judgement calls that have caused more damage to this country than any other in peacetime since industrialisation. He’s opened a box and unleadhed forces that simply cannot be contained and in the process divided that nation, caused the break up of the Union, hugely reduced our standing and reputation in the World and made us discernibly poorer.

What a legacy.

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