The Conservative Party

Its who you know not what you know

Schoolboy pranks can often be cruel. Schoolboy pranks at Eton, especially so. But we heard of one this week that seemed not only victimless, but actively fun for all involved.

Classmates who attended Eton with Jacob Rees-Mogg had a longstanding prank they liked to play on him over the years they were there. Someone would start singing or whistling the National Anthem whenever he was in earshot, then watch as young Jacob would stop whatever he was doing to proudly stand for it. Never got old apparently.

Nugget from this week's Popbitch
Being elevated to the Lords is surely a vocation - pay them what a Lord can claim on expenses for attending daily and in expenses and pay this **** what a nurse earns - simples

If Sunak turns out to be boring enough to take the Tory's away from the limelight for a bit, and they get lucky with dropping wholesale prices of gas into 2023, will the electorate begin to side with them again? I mean, they're ratings will rebound a little bit anyway after Tragic Truss, but I am worried.

Why worry if the country turns into a better place ?

I couldn’t care less what party is in charge - just want what’s best for the UK
Why worry if the country turns into a better place ?

I couldn’t care less what party is in charge - jdeust want what’s best for the UK
I think, and apologies if I've misunderstood @shemnel , that we are talking about people having short memories and being mugged off with a situation that's less bad than it was, not a net improvement.

Given their track record, I'm looking at it a bit like this...say I have a detached house and someone burns it down. They say to me 'don't worry, I'll sort things out, I'm going to rebuild it and it'll be better'. So for two years I live in a skip and eventually they turn round and say 'here you go I've rebuilt it, it looks fantastic'. But when I turn up to move back in, though it looks quite nice, it turns out it's not actually a detached house any more, it's been converted into two semis. I then find out that only one is for me because whilst I was in the skip they gave the other semi to one of their mates, who is now busy generating rental profits off it. At this point am I grateful for no longer having to live in a skip and having a nice semi detached house or do I kick the living shit out of the bastard for burning my house down and giving me back half of what I had?
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Why worry if the country turns into a better place ?

I couldn’t care less what party is in charge - just want what’s best for the UK

yeah i am afraid i have no confidence in the country being improved at the moment, only the fear that the incumbents will pull the wool over people's eyes.

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