The Conservative Party

Last night I heard a local Tory complaining about the council's audit team not always getting prompt answers from department managers, largely because of cuts in staff (or low public sector pay making recruitment hard). 12 years of cuts and pay restraint, then complain about the consequences. It's the Tory way.
Was he boldly complaining?
So working people who save up and invest in stocks and shares are now being punished? The £6k threshold is f*cking ridiculous. We live in a materialistic society where many choose to opt for expensive clothes, cars and holidays whilst then wondering why they can't get on the housing ladder and are in debt. Meanwhile those who save are now having their pants pulled down.

On top of that, the help towards energy bills is being reduced next year combined with increases in council tax. This Autumn statement screws over working people and those who do the right thing.
It was obvious who they were coming for, it’s the only way they know.
Well she cut taxes to promote growth but anyway to you’re serious point - there are two items of government spending that make our GDP grow/shrink…education and health, guess which two have avoided cuts?

TBF it’s a fairly balanced budget - those earning over £125k will pay more no matter what…everyone else will pay more if they get a pay rise and pensioners and those on benefits will get a 10%+ hike
I think getting a pay rise and paying more tax is pretty expected but those who drift into the next tax bracket will be hit harder. Many of those do salary sacrifice into pensions though (or should do) so not sure how much of this additional tax the government see. The scrapping of the 1.5% NI has offset some of this anyway. The budget didn’t seem too harsh to me. I was expecting more.

It’s the increase in mortgage rates when the deals come up that will cripple people in the next year or so.
If Jeremy C*** really wanted to be honest he would have admitted that the mess is mainly caused by 12 years of tory mis rule, Truss's disatrous mini budget and Brexit but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
…….Not to mention how he told us that he wouldn’t dodge difficult decisions or kick the can down the road, before bravely doing both by delaying the destructive spending cuts until after the next GE.

There was a time when it appeared that speaking with a posh Eton accent and quoting Ancient Greek philosophers was an indicator of a level of intelligence and education, but the facade starts to slip as everything he preached to us about and impressed the importance of, starts to unravel before our very eyes.
He is becoming a self-parody- a pastiche of every toxic element of modern conservatism.
He’s a ****.
Last night I heard a local Tory complaining about the council's audit team not always getting prompt answers from department managers, largely because of cuts in staff (or low public sector pay making recruitment hard). 12 years of cuts and pay restraint, then complain about the consequences. It's the Tory way.

But they bang on like this either unable to or wilfully trying not to join the dots - either way its amazing
Yeah, I watched this as it happened on Channel 4 and placed my thoughts after this on the Mogg thread.

Awful character.

I did laugh when the guy from the OBR today mispronounced Hunts name as Punt - even James O'Brien was moved to comment that it was odd to be the one person mispronouncing that name and not falling into the usual trap lol

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