The Conservative Party

And who was in power over that decade to which the "source" refers

That is very worrying we are heading for a 3rd world Army and economy if the Tories get back in, we are not investing despite what we are told
That is very worrying we are heading for a 3rd world Army and economy if the Tories get back in, we are not investing despite what we are told

If they still actually gave a shit the rest of the EU would be pissing themselves but truth is they are past caring about us and thats our biggest obstacle to rejoining
The investment figure right down at the bottom Truss may have had the right idea only she crashed the economy. Rejoining the EU will cost us and we won’t get the rebate it’s tough now but it’ll get even worse “austerity“ until they let us back in
And who was in power over that decade to which the "source" refers

THAT decade? The Tories.

If you think "decades" means under Labour, the only time the Tories haven't cut defence as a % of GDP was during the Falklands War. Look at the drop from 1979 to 1997:


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