The Conservative Party

My point obviously isn't hitting home with you so I shall put it in to context.

A single person (could be a retired widower/ divorcee / young lad or lass) lives in a property. The council tax for that band of property is £200 a month. Thanks to the single occupancy allowance they pay £150 for council tax.

In a similar property where 3 occupants live, assuming they split the bills 3 ways they're only paying £66.6 each.

Tell me, why should the single occupant have to pay over double what an individual is paying in a house share given we are all entitled to the same services?

They tried that. It was called the Poll Tax.
party chairman promoting Anderson reinventing history.

I thought he got some kind of court punishment for harassment of travellers, and got suspended by Labour as a result.
Maybe he says that in the full article, but somehow I doubt it.
Then in a housing shortage move to a smaller property rather than under-occupying a large one.
I live on my own, in a one bedroom shoebox. I pay £175 a month in council tax. Which is about to go up 4%.

"Moving to a smaller property" isn't an option. My costs are rising but my wages aren't.
Your opinion absolutely stinks.

Why should a bachelor/ widow move to a smaller property because their spouse has died? Especially in a property they've paid the mortgage off for and now may be retired.

Equally why should a single person who's saved up and bought property downsize to achieve a cheaper rate of council tax?

Use some other format to base council tax on, that would be fairer.
Just so they stop complaining about how much council tax they pay?

Do they get single person discounts on the gas bill? On roof repairs? Property insurance?

You takes your choices and you pays your money.

Now if you want to address the issue of poor people whose child dies and they then get to pay the bedroom tax for having too many bedrooms...
I live on my own, in a one bedroom shoebox. I pay £175 a month in council tax. Which is about to go up 4%.

"Moving to a smaller property" isn't an option. My costs are rising but my wages aren't.
He was talking about a property that three people could share.

But that sounds a lot if it's after the 25% discount.
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Just so they stop complaining about how much council tax they pay?

Do they get single person discounts on the gas bill? On roof repairs? Property insurance?

You takes your choices and you pays your money.

Now if you want to address the issue of poor people whose child dies and they then get to pay the bedroom tax for having too many bedrooms...

You have a choice who you choose to purchase those services from, you dont have a choice with Council Tax as it's enforced.

It is a toss view that you expect somebody from a similar socio-economic background to pay higher taxes just because they live alone. Hence my comment about using other methods to charge council tax or just charge single occupants 50%.

I'm not pursuing the conversation any further because it doesn't impact me, I just think single occupancy allowance isn't good enough and it is naive to think single people are always better off financially. It is all contextual.

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