The Conservative Party

It’s 500 in a safe environment, not on the streets.

If you have a better idea as to where we house these people whilst going through the process I’m all ears?

You do have a better idea don’t you?
Yes, I do. Why not process 500 people a day? OK a bit extreme but maybe 100-200 a day?? Not the staff because of government cuts but can afford £5m a day for hotels!!
How about hiring the staff to do the work that's required to reduce the backlog as opposed to pulling bullshit stunts that are only there to keep people arguing on twitter? Simple basic competence, but I appreciate that's asking an enormous amount of this current government.

No issue with that but they need to be housed whilst the process is ongoing.

If it’s not in mass accommodation like this for single males then where?
I wasn't arguing that point.

Of course Hotels are costly and unsustainable in the long run, It's just frustrating how the Tories have handled all this. They've had 13 years in power and made the process slower and longer.

I was replying to a poster who is obviously not happy with the barge being used.

I absolutely agree the process needs to be much quicker and the government needs to pull their fingers out.
How about hiring the staff to do the work that's required to reduce the backlog as opposed to pulling bullshit stunts that are only there to keep people arguing on twitter? Simple basic competence, but I appreciate that's asking an enormous amount of this current government.
It's the silly season and the Tories are feeding a fascist idea a day to the media.
How much did that barge cost? I ask as a Tory spokesperson could not say how much it cost this morning but assured us that it was cheaper than other forms of accommodation. How could he confirm that if he wasn’t given the detail. Just another talking head doing as he is told.

Also, heard yesterday that processing claims has dropped by 75% since 2021, almost as if this is by design.
How much did that barge cost? I ask as a Tory spokesperson could not say how much it cost this morning but assured us that it was cheaper than other forms of accommodation. How could he confirm that if he wasn’t given the detail. Just another talking head doing as he is told.

Also, heard yesterday that processing claims has dropped by 75% since 2021, almost as if this is by design.

They send 35 but only 15 go on the Bibby Stockholm. The threat is they will withdraw Govt funding from them - great idea and won't lead to shoplifting and robbery in Weymouth at all. Oh and they did it all on a coach that didn't have a valid MOT. Fucking clown show
I was replying to a poster who is obviously not happy with the barge being used.

I absolutely agree the process needs to be much quicker and the government needs to pull their fingers out.
I got that, the main point i was making is the barge is bullshit. It's not there to solve any problems, it's there to get people arguing about it, and it's worked. This is the shittest government we have ever had. They don't want to govern, they just want people arguing on twitter whilst they keep acting like cunts.
It’s 500 in a safe environment, not on the streets.

If you have a better idea as to where we house these people whilst going through the process I’m all ears?

You do have a better idea don’t you?
It’s not safe for 500.
The fire service have refused to certificate it for that capacity.
Something Labour have already said they will keep.

Where do we put asylum applicants whilst they are going through the process?

Genuine question btw if you have better alternatives?

I imagine we can house them where we have housed them previously, or just process them faster if we are running out of room. It isn’t a difficult problem unless we make it difficult which of course we absolutely are doing.

On a separate note, why do people fall for these publicity stunts like barges or remote Islands or Narnia or wherever? What’s the appeal? Genuine question.
I imagine we can house them where we have housed them previously, or just process them faster if we are running out of room. It isn’t a difficult problem unless we make it difficult which of course we absolutely are doing.

On a separate note, why do people fall for these publicity stunts like barges or remote Islands or Narnia or wherever? What’s the appeal? Genuine question.

Hotels are also a massive issue so not the answer.

Yes we need to speed up the process but in the meantime these people need to be housed by whatever means possible and the barge, whilst not ideal is at least a solution.

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