The Conservative Party

He's a fucking wanker (starmer) who will seemingly eschew Labour party values and common decency to win an election. No thought for the country or its citizens, just win power at all costs.
He needs to win power to get the current bunch of corrupt twats out, and if he has to say things to avoid a pile on by the influential RW media then so be it.

I will judge him by what he does if/when he wins an election rather than by what he feels he has to say now to maximise his chances.
Except I wasn't talking about policy. The proof of that will be in the pudding. Will it survive Reeves fiscal responsibility rules or will it go the same way as the green pledges ?
I was talking about the language used to 'wind up gammon', to quote the poster I replied to...... and right on cue

Well done you but might have been worth saving for someone accusing Labour of being soft on immigration.... something I am not doing. My point was the similarity of language and that Labour are not above scapegoating refugees for political purposes. Blunkett was using the term swamped before anybody had the misfortune of coming across Farage. Also who first coined the phrase 'hostile environment'?
When one quote is suggesting that we'd save money if we could stop refugees and the other is about saving money by having a quicker, fairer system, then it's ridiculous to compare them.

Pretending they're the same, as if the context is meaningless, is just dishonest.

If pointing out that the Tories immortal asylum policies are wasting money, is red meat for the gammons then the Postman Pep show really has jumped the shark.
He needs to win power to get the current bunch of corrupt twats out, and if he has to say things to avoid a pile on by the influential RW media then so be it.

I will judge him by what he does if/when he wins an election rather than by what he feels he has to say now to maximise his chances.
Ah, the old 'here's the manifesto but we'll ignore it once we're in power' routine.

Just incoherent.

Dealing with claims more quickly will attract people, so having cut the number of people assessing claims we're now going to increase them, and (impossible to believe) we'll be setting new records in assessing claims.
Ah, the old 'here's the manifesto but we'll ignore it once we're in power' routine.
I thought the left were complaining that's what he's done to get to be party leader, so we should surely expect the same when he's PM. Sounds good that - let down any 30p Lee fans who vote Labour.
Just incoherent.

Dealing with claims more quickly will attract people, so having cut the number of people assessing claims we're now going to increase them, and (impossible to believe) we'll be setting new records in assessing claims.

It does sound as though the thinking is "deal with claims fast attracts people (does it??) so let's be slow and make their life hell" is policy, doesn't it?

I pity anyone who has to work with Jenrick.
When one quote is suggesting that we'd save money if we could stop refugees and the other is about saving money by having a quicker, fairer system, then it's ridiculous to compare them.

Pretending they're the same, as if the context is meaningless, is just dishonest.

If pointing out that the Tories immortal asylum policies are wasting money, is red meat for the gammons then the Postman Pep show really has jumped the shark.
Simple question for you. Did Kinnock, similar to the Tory, draw a direct link between the cost of the hotels and funding for public services?
You can apply whatever context you like. The point is so can others.

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