The Conservative Party

Just the classic style Tory behaviour that certain working class humans will defend and agree with despite it being bad for them.

Tories could campaign to leave human rights treaty​

If we lived in a normal world then this sort of thing would lead to them having zero votes.
You must know that the Labour policy isn't anything similar.

They've consistently made the point that the money is being wasted because claims aren't being dealt with quickly. It's inhumane to keep people in limbo, and Labour have constantly made that argument. There's also a strong argument that the Tories are doing this on purpose because they want the news to be dominated by arguments about immigration.

Frankly, promoting a disingenuous tweet like this is beneath someone like yourself, who clearly cares about other people.
Except I wasn't talking about policy. The proof of that will be in the pudding. Will it survive Reeves fiscal responsibility rules or will it go the same way as the green pledges ?
I was talking about the language used to 'wind up gammon', to quote the poster I replied to...... and right on cue
Labour reduced the application backlog to 18954 (half of these were awaiting appeal) there were 166251 outstanding as at the end of last year

Labour proposed and introduced more 'restrictive' asylum legislation than any government. But are portrayed as having an open door policy

Table 1. Timeline of Migration Policy and Legislative Milestones
in the UK Government, 1998 to 2007
Fairer, Faster and Firmer: A Modern Approach to Immigration and AsylumWhite Paper1998Instituted new controls but also a "covenant" with asylum seekers; emphasized "joined up" government and the need for administrative overhaul.
Human Rights ActParliamentary Act1998Incorporated the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law, giving human rights the status of "higher law."
Immigration and Asylum ActParliamentary Act1999Created a "covenant" with asylum seekers but generally restrictive; made provisions for a new welfare support system (the National Asylum Support Service).
Race Relations (Amendment) ActParliamentary Act2000Broadened antidiscrimination legislation to police and immigration service and created "positive duty" for race equality on public authorities.
Antiterrorism, Crime and Security ActParliamentary Act2001Part 4 of the act legislated that suspected terrorists who were immigrants could be interned (potentially on a permanent basis). The Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) reviews decisions, but the act does not permit judicial review of the SIAC.
Secure Borders, Safe Havens: Integration with Diversity in Modern BritainWhite Paper2002Set out comprehensive reform, including the goal of "managed migration."
The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum ActParliamentary Act2002Increased restrictions on asylum (breaking the previous "covenant") and new enforcement powers, but noted support of economic migration.
Highly Skilled Migrant Program (HSMP)Change to regulations2002Created an immigration scheme based on points that aims to attract high-skilled migrants.
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) ActParliamentary Act2004Further reduced asylum appeal rights and other restrictive measures.
Controlling our Borders: Making Migration Work for BritainFive-Year Departmental Plan2005Published three months before the 2005 election, the plan set out a strong set of measures on gaining control of borders and managing migration through a new points system.
Improving Opportunity, Strengthening Society: The Government’s Strategy to Increase Race Equality and Community CohesionPolicy Strategy2005A race-equality strategy designed to cut across government, complemented by a cross-cutting, race-equality target, and overseen by a board of senior public figures.
Integration Matters: The National Integration Strategy for RefugeesPolicy Strategy2005Strategy meant to integrate refugees, including new "integration loans" and the piloting of a one-to-one caseworker model. Built on strategy formulated in 2000.
A Points-Based System: Making Migration Work for BritainPolicy Strategy2006Proposed a five-tier economic migration system. Tiers equate to categories: (1) high skilled, (2) skilled with job offer, (3) low skilled, (4) students, and (5) miscellaneous.
Immigration, Asylum, and Nationality (IAN) ActParliamentary Act2006Mainly focused on immigration (rather than asylum), it included restrictions on appeal rights, sanctions on employers of unauthorized labor, and a tightening of citizenship rules.
Fair, Effective, Transparent and Trusted: Rebuilding Confidence in Our Immigration SystemReform Strategy2006Created the arm's-length Border and Immigration Agency, which replaced the Immigration and Nationality Directorate on April 2, 2007.
Enforcing the Rules: A Strategy to Ensure and Enforce Compliance with Our Immigration LawsPolicy Strategy2007Called for secure border control built on biometric visas and greater checks.
UK Borders BillParliamentary Bill2007Proposes police powers for immigration officers and a requirement that foreign nationals must have a Biometric Immigration Document (BID).

Source: International Passenger Survey​
Well done you but might have been worth saving for someone accusing Labour of being soft on immigration.... something I am not doing. My point was the similarity of language and that Labour are not above scapegoating refugees for political purposes. Blunkett was using the term swamped before anybody had the misfortune of coming across Farage. Also who first coined the phrase 'hostile environment'?
They have admitted that they will be hamstrung should they win the GE but also said that they will be getting rid asp. The difference is this, Labour put out a policy where they would work with other nations and create a cross-border policing service specific to this issue and also work hard to clear the backlog. Interestingly, this is becoming more and more the speech of the Tories which actually makes it the opposite of what you are saying as the Tories are now using Labours tactics in the hope that it softens the vote with the public.
Stopped reading his nonsense tbh.
Well instead of spending £6,000,000 a day housing them I’d spend a weeks worth of that money employing staff to proccess them immediately and then either ship them back or better still get them in the U.K. working, contributing and making society better for all.

Radical idea I know but wasting money just doesn’t wash with me I’m afraid. Find a better way of using it.
Is the right answer.

I’d say they have admitted they will be much of the same on this issue at least and many others and will just continue along the same lines. The barges will stay that’s for sure.

I look forward to all the criticism on here of them and their policy but I won’t hold my breath.
He's a fucking wanker (starmer) who will seemingly eschew Labour party values and common decency to win an election. No thought for the country or its citizens, just win power at all costs.

I’d say they have admitted they will be much of the same on this issue at least and many others and will just continue along the same lines. The barges will stay that’s for sure.

I look forward to all the criticism on here of them and their policy but I won’t hold my breath.

Whilst I am uneasy at much of the noise coming from Labour and will definitely be calling them out if they really do turn out to be Tory light I cannot see them being embroiled in the levels of corruption that the Tories seem to revel in.

My take on views such as you espouse is by saying Labour will be as bad is that you are making excuses for the Tories.

We will judge the Labour government if and when.
Well instead of spending £6,000,000 a day housing them I’d spend a weeks worth of that money employing staff to proccess them immediately and then either ship them back or better still get them in the U.K. working, contributing and making society better for all.

Radical idea I know but wasting money just doesn’t wash with me I’m afraid. Find a better way of using it.
Yes, it’s an absolute no brainer. 2000 extra people processing 2 claims a day each would theoretically clear the backlog in 2 months. Obviously it would take time to ramp it up but the whole job could be done in a year if they really wanted to instead of throwing money at gimmicks and sound bites like the Rwanda policy or barges that not only don’t address the underlying problem but don’t save money either.

The one thing the Tories are very good at is deflecting from real issues by proposing measures designed to appeal to thick people’s base instincts, and then when they inevitably fail they pin the blame on the “woke blob establishment” which apparently consists of the opposition party, “lefty” lawyers and judges.
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