The Conservative Party

That is one argument. Here is a different one:

I see a lot of this going on: mentioning 13, possibly 14 years in power, but can I remind people the first 5 years were in a coalition with the hopeless Lib-Dems.

Furthermore, Boris Johnson got elected with an 80-seat majority in December 2019 - he was just getting going in early-2020 and then Covid-19 happened. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, it wasn't his fault. Then, just as Covid-19 was pretty much sorted out (early-2022) Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, again, it wasn't his fault.

So now we come to the middle bit: David Cameron, Brexit & Theresa May. We don't need to argue for hours on that one, she should never have been Prime Minister.... why appoint a 'Remain' supporter into the top job, to deal with that, once the referendum result was for Brexit? "Brexit means Brexit" what a load of rubbish - if everyone in the House of Commons and the House of Lords (and the civil service) had accepted the democratic decision of the British people and acted to sort it with as much speed as possible, lead by someone totally committed to it, even the middle part of this Tory timeline might have been different.

This Tory government are in their death throes, I accept that, but how much is it their own fault and how much is it to do with pro-remainer civil servants, old-farts in the House of Lords, plus international events over which they had absolutely no control at all?

P.S. why did you say con-men as the worst of the lot was a woman: Theresa May. If you can't easily beat Jeremy Corbyn in a General Election, you should resign from politics.
Eh, guys, do you wanna hear a story?
That is one argument. Here is a different one:

I see a lot of this going on: mentioning 13, possibly 14 years in power, but can I remind people the first 5 years were in a coalition with the hopeless Lib-Dems.

Furthermore, Boris Johnson got elected with an 80-seat majority in December 2019 - he was just getting going in early-2020 and then Covid-19 happened. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, it wasn't his fault. Then, just as Covid-19 was pretty much sorted out (early-2022) Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, again, it wasn't his fault.

So now we come to the middle bit: David Cameron, Brexit & Theresa May. We don't need to argue for hours on that one, she should never have been Prime Minister.... why appoint a 'Remain' supporter into the top job, to deal with that, once the referendum result was for Brexit? "Brexit means Brexit" what a load of rubbish - if everyone in the House of Commons and the House of Lords (and the civil service) had accepted the democratic decision of the British people and acted to sort it with as much speed as possible, lead by someone totally committed to it, even the middle part of this Tory timeline might have been different.

This Tory government are in their death throes, I accept that, but how much is it their own fault and how much is it to do with pro-remainer civil servants, old-farts in the House of Lords, plus international events over which they had absolutely no control at all?

P.S. why did you say con-men as the worst of the lot was a woman: Theresa May. If you can't easily beat Jeremy Corbyn in a General Election, you should resign from politics.

With zero respect whatsoever what a steaming pile of shit this is.

In power the Tories have consistently acted in their own narrow interests and those of their backers to the detriment of the population of this country.

They have lined their pockets whilst systematically emptying yours and yet their propaganda still works on people like you.

With zero respect whatsoever what a steaming pile of shit this is.

In power the Tories have consistently acted in their own narrow interests and those of their backers to the detriment of the population of this country.

They have lined their pockets whilst systematically emptying yours and yet their propaganda still works on people like you.

Whilst I can’t disagree with the assertion that Covid and The War have created difficult times in which to govern the facts remain there for all to see. Brexit was a problem created by the Tories and so all the shit that happened as a consequence was of their own making. The underlying policies of the Tory party has been and always will be give more to those with the most and less to those with the least, run down the health service, fuck the education system, ignore the old and the ill, show no interest in social and affordable housing. Don’t anyone kid themselves that if it wasn’t for Covid and The War this wouldn’t have been the case if anything it gave the Tories the perfect cover to push on with their appalling policies.
Whilst I can’t disagree with the assertion that Covid and The War have created difficult times in which to govern the facts remain there for all to see. Brexit was a problem created by the Tories and so all the shit that happened as a consequence was of their own making. The underlying policies of the Tory party has been and always will be give more to those with the most and less to those with the least, run down the health service, fuck the education system, ignore the old and the ill, show no interest in social and affordable housing. Don’t anyone kid themselves that if it wasn’t for Covid and The War this wouldn’t have been the case if anything it gave the Tories the perfect cover to push on with their appalling policies.
Been thinking about my post and I think I’ve been too kind to the Tories …..with regards to The War - Bozo saw this as an opportunity to gallivant around the world promoting himself and pretending to be Churchill with little or no genuine regard for the Ukrainian people or indeed the effect The War had on our economy and with regards to Covid - Bozo and his gang saw this as an opportunity to take the piss out of us with their constant partying and for them and their cronies to get rich quick at the cost of us again. Meanwhile we ended up having one of the highest death rates and one of the worst hit economies when compared to our peers.
Been thinking about my post and I think I’ve been too kind to the Tories …..with regards to The War - Bozo saw this as an opportunity to gallivant around the world promoting himself and pretending to be Churchill with little or no genuine regard for the Ukrainian people or indeed the effect The War had on our economy and with regards to Covid - Bozo and his gang saw this as an opportunity to take the piss out of us with their constant partying and for them and their cronies to get rich quick at the cost of us again. Meanwhile we ended up having one of the highest death rates and one of the worst hit economies when compared to our peers.

Yup - thing with it is the rest of the world - particularly the EU - were damaged by the 2009 financial crash - then were hit by Covid - then had the impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However Germany et al continued to invest in education, health and transport rather than opt for the ideological choice of austerity. When Covid hit they also dealt with the horrors and came through the other side - they have truck drivers and they have people in work. What they don't have is supply chain issues resulting from self imposed border checks instead their produce flows freely across a continent. Post invasion places like France used the (state owned) energy company by cutting bills and taking a very low profit - our Govt chose to let the bills sky rocket and borrow money and give it to the energy companies so that they maintained their profits and now our Govt wants its borrowed money back - not from the companies but from us.

The biggest differences are summed up in 2 words. Tories and Brexit
That is one argument. Here is a different one:

I see a lot of this going on: mentioning 13, possibly 14 years in power, but can I remind people the first 5 years were in a coalition with the hopeless Lib-Dems.

Furthermore, Boris Johnson got elected with an 80-seat majority in December 2019 - he was just getting going in early-2020 and then Covid-19 happened. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, it wasn't his fault. Then, just as Covid-19 was pretty much sorted out (early-2022) Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, again, it wasn't his fault.

So now we come to the middle bit: David Cameron, Brexit & Theresa May. We don't need to argue for hours on that one, she should never have been Prime Minister.... why appoint a 'Remain' supporter into the top job, to deal with that, once the referendum result was for Brexit? "Brexit means Brexit" what a load of rubbish - if everyone in the House of Commons and the House of Lords (and the civil service) had accepted the democratic decision of the British people and acted to sort it with as much speed as possible, lead by someone totally committed to it, even the middle part of this Tory timeline might have been different.

This Tory government are in their death throes, I accept that, but how much is it their own fault and how much is it to do with pro-remainer civil servants, old-farts in the House of Lords, plus international events over which they had absolutely no control at all?

P.S. why did you say con-men as the worst of the lot was a woman: Theresa May. If you can't easily beat Jeremy Corbyn in a General Election, you should resign from politics.

This is a horse of a different colour.

What a fascinating alternate reality! Skilfully woven together I might add, there's real purpose to it. The way you drop the odd fact here and there to keep your preposterous narrative going is something to be admired, it means you know what you're about, and what you're about is lying.

Only you know to what end.

Personally I don't have a clue and I honestly couldn't care less.
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That is one argument. Here is a different one:

I see a lot of this going on: mentioning 13, possibly 14 years in power, but can I remind people the first 5 years were in a coalition with the hopeless Lib-Dems.

Furthermore, Boris Johnson got elected with an 80-seat majority in December 2019 - he was just getting going in early-2020 and then Covid-19 happened. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, it wasn't his fault. Then, just as Covid-19 was pretty much sorted out (early-2022) Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine. We could argue for hours if Johnson and the tories dealt with that correctly or not, but the fact is, again, it wasn't his fault.

So now we come to the middle bit: David Cameron, Brexit & Theresa May. We don't need to argue for hours on that one, she should never have been Prime Minister.... why appoint a 'Remain' supporter into the top job, to deal with that, once the referendum result was for Brexit? "Brexit means Brexit" what a load of rubbish - if everyone in the House of Commons and the House of Lords (and the civil service) had accepted the democratic decision of the British people and acted to sort it with as much speed as possible, lead by someone totally committed to it, even the middle part of this Tory timeline might have been different.

This Tory government are in their death throes, I accept that, but how much is it their own fault and how much is it to do with pro-remainer civil servants, old-farts in the House of Lords, plus international events over which they had absolutely no control at all?

P.S. why did you say con-men as the worst of the lot was a woman: Theresa May. If you can't easily beat Jeremy Corbyn in a General Election, you should resign from politics.
What a pile of horsesh1t. Over the last, almost, generation our society as a whole has been deprived of investment, no money for housing, no money for wages, no money for nursing homes, nursery’s, NHS in fact in every facet of our lives so that the slightest shock to the system, Brexit, the pandemic, war in Ukraine has caused it it to collapse. We are seeing the highest inflation of any ‘modern’ country, the worst housing crisis every and so on ALL brought about by government policy. Think about that - IT HAS BEEN DONE ON PURPOSE - for ideological reasons and not for the good and benefit of the nation as a whole. Of course, the people, as usual, who are baring the brunt are the poor of our society: those people who are not in a position to cope.

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