The Conservative Party

more salting the earth for their Labour successors

Other than trying to tank the country for not being supportive enough, this one baffles me. Who in their right mind targets care workers during a labour shortage and an election year? The same is true of Brexit border controls. It’s an election year so let’s make imports more difficult causing potential shortages and price rises.

Starmer must wake up most mornings and start giggling when he turns on the news.
Other than trying to tank the country for not being supportive enough, this one baffles me. Who in their right mind targets care workers during a labour shortage and an election year? The same is true of Brexit border controls. It’s an election year so let’s make imports more difficult causing potential shortages and price rises.

Starmer must wake up most mornings and start giggling when he turns on the news.
A party scared of losing its votes to Reform, so are dangling carrots to try and get them onside and not stand against them, is my guess.
They'll try and push this by election as far back as possible. Possibly lump it in with local elections.

2024 local elections are 2 May.
2025 are in May 2025 - beyond the maximum date for next general election, 28 January 2025.

If they were planning to combine May 2024, the announcement would be end of March.

November 2024 is my expectation.
Guess it depends on how the figures have been worked out. What they class as benefit fraud and whether they are including taxes that corporations should pay, but don’t.

When you say “should pay” you mean they don’t because they transfer price liabilities at off market prices to sit in more favourably tax jurisdictions? So whilst it’s not technically right to say they “should pay” I do concur with the principle, it’s not just moral it’s the right thing to do from an ESG perspective.

Unsurprisingly turkeys don’t vote for Christmas and it’s taking legislation in the form of the new global tax agreement to force, at least some companies, to begin to address some of these imbalances but it’s far from perfect - it’s certainly a case of going after the “big boys” (at least at the start) but not as aggressively as they might have. That said not sure when it will be ratified, think US still dithering?? This, in theory, is just the start with more regulation to come which will undoubtedly be debated at length - I don’t imagine Trump is a fan.
When you say “should pay” you mean they don’t because they transfer price liabilities at off market prices to sit in more favourably tax jurisdictions? So whilst it’s not technically right to say they “should pay” I do concur with the principle, it’s not just moral it’s the right thing to do from an ESG perspective.

Unsurprisingly turkeys don’t vote for Christmas and it’s taking legislation in the form of the new global tax agreement to force, at least some companies, to begin to address some of these imbalances but it’s far from perfect - it’s certainly a case of going after the “big boys” (at least at the start) but not as aggressively as they might have. That said not sure when it will be ratified, think US still dithering?? This, in theory, is just the start with more regulation to come which will undoubtedly be debated at length - I don’t imagine Trump is a fan.
It’s the biggest elephant in the room though and why so many countries’ economies are struggling.

I’m sure the legislation to change corporate tax laws is extremely hard and complex to write and beyond my capabilities.

It does need addressing though.
It’s the biggest elephant in the room though and why so many countries’ economies are struggling.

I’m sure the legislation to change corporate tax laws is extremely hard and complex to write and beyond my capabilities.

It does need addressing though.

I think we get to see how powerful lobbying groups are. If you can keep the US out of this, you’ve killed it.
Scott Benton Blackpool Nth has failed in his attempt to get his suspension overturned so faces a recall and doubtless yet another by-election will ensue .......... death by 1,000 self inflicted cuts
South not north but yes he's a twat I unintentionally met him in Blackpool last redeeming features.

The Blackpool north MP Maynard is also Tory and being looked at for expense issues.
It’s the biggest elephant in the room though and why so many countries’ economies are struggling.

I’m sure the legislation to change corporate tax laws is extremely hard and complex to write and beyond my capabilities.

It does need addressing though.
I know it's more complicated, but I also can't help but think how ridiculous it is that we allow tiny territories like the Cayman Islands to base their entire economy on helping corporations avoid their tax responsibilities in major countries with no backlash. How hard is "If you're based in the Cayman Islands, you're going to have a 90% tax on any money you transfer there?" Probably quite, but we sanction countries and individuals all the time for other reasons. The US put all sorts of trade barrier on Chinese stuff based on accusations of currency manipulation. Yet we can't pressure the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and Jersey. In fact, we do the exact opposite and use our tax money to pay for their fucking defence. But I get the impression that there's not any genuine appetite to do anything about it given how many people in positions of power benefit from these tax havens personally, up to and including the royal family.

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