The Conservative Party

Brewster going into bat for the despicable **** that is 30p Lee.
Well knock me down with a feather duster.
Cult members really are a strange bunch.

What I don’t understand is whether these are lifelong conservative voters or just from 2019, as I’m surprised they’re still going into bat for the conservatives, they don’t align themselves with their historic values. They’re surely more aligned to someone like Reform as voters themselves.
Brewster going into bat for the despicable **** that is 30p Lee.
Well knock me down with a feather duster.
Cult members really are a strange bunch.
He'll be batting for mad lizzie next who fully agreed with Steve bannon that Yaxley Lennon is a hero
What I don’t understand is whether these are lifelong conservative voters or just from 2019, as I’m surprised they’re still going into bat for the conservatives, they don’t align themselves with their historic values. They’re surely more aligned to someone like Reform as voters themselves.
I’ve often said I’ve no issues with the idea of a conservative government and they have in the past had some fantastic politicians. Honest and fair with the country’s needs coming first.
This version is so far removed from the past though that it’s not even close to the party the likes of Brewster and metalblue must have started supporting.
You’d think they would be disgusted with the self interested, duplicitous charlatans that currently reside at the top of the tree but no, they will still hear nothing bad said about them.
They are complicit in the countries demise and should be ashamed of themselves for not making a stand against them.
Unless they really are fans of the new breed of cunts in which case there’s nothing else to say.
Brewster going into bat for the despicable **** that is 30p Lee.
Well knock me down with a feather duster.
Cult members really are a strange bunch.
He doesn't though , he avoids defending them and does his very best to divert the discussion to one about anything but.
I’ve often said I’ve no issues with the idea of a conservative government and they have in the past had some fantastic politicians. Honest and fair with the country’s needs coming first.
This version is so far removed from the past though that it’s not even close to the party the likes of Brewster and metalblue must have started supporting.
You’d think they would be disgusted with the self interested, duplicitous charlatans that currently reside at the top of the tree but no, they will still hear nothing bad said about them.
They are complicit in the countries demise and should be ashamed of themselves for not making a stand against them.
Unless they really are fans of the new breed of cunts in which case there’s nothing else to say.

Strange, isn't it? The Tories have done a complete 180 in terms of policy direction from the Tories of the 80s but it's almost like some of their supporters haven't noticed. The former conservative position of... you know... conserving institutions is now a distant memory. Plus being pro-free trade (including labour), pro-Europe, socially liberal - introduced gay marriage.

I have no problem admitting that if the Tories were anything like that today, then I might have some sympathy with their position. I'm an economically centrist and socially liberal voter. I've voted Lib Dem a lot for that reason. Yet we seem to have a generation of former Thatcher voters who are under some deluded belief that this party resembles her legacy in some way. She would be rolling in her grave at this lot. It's safe to say I'm no fan of Thatcher in particular, but there have been plenty of Tories from decades past that I could have found agreement with on some issues. That's no longer the case... they are now a "worst of all worlds" party - taking isolationist and protectionist policies from what was once the left and bigotry and austerity from what was once the right to create a corrupted populist front that generates no practical value.

It's really not dissimilar to the flip that happened in American politics in the 20th century - except there's about 20-30% of the electorate on either side that seem to still be operating on muscle memory.
I've said it before, the 2019 lot are the worst intake of MPs we have ever had. Gone have the days where a level of intelligence was needed to be in these positions.
Didn't Johnson recruit Brexit supporting candidates only though, so he wasn't recruiting from the best pool to start with.
That’s right, silly me.

Whoever could have guessed that somebody suggesting Israel had deliberately allowed over a thousand of its citizens (women and children) to be murdered in cold blood wasn’t in fact a genuinely nice bloke, and that his apology wasn’t in fact heartfelt and a sign of a wholly reformed character? I’m sure it came as a complete surprise to the likes of Lisa Nandy, given that she spent the weekend campaigning for him after he made his innocent but somewhat misjudged remarks.

What a load of bollocks. Utter, utter bollocks.

‘It later transpired that Azhar Ali was a wrong ‘un and the Labour Party dealt with it’. You can’t seriously believe that. All that happened is that Starmer desperately tried to avoid dealing with the issue until it became so bad that he had no choice. So don’t try to kid yourself that Ali’s apology was in anyway sincere, that Ali’s real views weren’t apparent after the first set of comments were reported in the papers, or that Starmer shouldn’t have booted him out straight away. Because, frankly, it makes you and the rest of the mob on here look ridiculous.

In the meantime I look forward to Labour’s report on the meeting where Ali was spouting his bile, in particular the details about who was there at the time and why nobody challenged Ali or reported his views. I can’t wait to hear all the apologies - all given in good faith, needless to say.
Ten out of ten for deflection , you are as desperate as your party is , lol
I’ve often said I’ve no issues with the idea of a conservative government and they have in the past had some fantastic politicians. Honest and fair with the country’s needs coming first.
This version is so far removed from the past though that it’s not even close to the party the likes of Brewster and metalblue must have started supporting.
You’d think they would be disgusted with the self interested, duplicitous charlatans that currently reside at the top of the tree but no, they will still hear nothing bad said about them.
They are complicit in the countries demise and should be ashamed of themselves for not making a stand against them.
Unless they really are fans of the new breed of cunts in which case there’s nothing else to say.

The mad thing is Reform is polling pretty similar to what UKIP was before so all they’ve done is lurch to the right and alienated a shedload of historic voters but not enough to appease those further right anyway.

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