The Conservative Party

Big announcement today about £4.7bn from scrapping HS2 Phase 2 for transport projects in the North and Midlands, for places not in city regions - spread over 7 years. That will work out at about £32m total for Crewe - instead of the £2bn boost to the town's economy that HS2 was expected to bring.
Also, pledging this money when they know they won’t be in power.
I’m sure that Azhar Ali was entirely genuine when he made his well-publicised apology.
Maybe, just maybe, you have take apologies in good faith. It later transpired that Azhar Ali was a wrong 'un and the Labour Party dealt with it. The difference between that and the Lee Anderson issue is that Anderson has been publically saying hateful, divisive shit for years and fuck-all was getting done about it. In fact, scrap that - they even promoted him to Deputy Chair at one point. It seems being a racist **** in this modern-day excuse of a Conservative Party isn't a barrier to progressing up the ladder.
So red wall Tories are reporting lots of emails supporting Anderson. And this is a good thing because...?

Will MPs who endorse Anderson's comments lose the whip?
Lee Anderthal is a full time bullshitter. I doubt he has as much support as his head tells him.

His tweet yesterday wasn't believable.
Big announcement today about £4.7bn from scrapping HS2 Phase 2 for transport projects in the North and Midlands, for places not in city regions - spread over 7 years. That will work out at about £32m total for Crewe - instead of the £2bn boost to the town's economy that HS2 was expected to bring.
General election due then.

I've just been told they are going to announce reopening a railway line. The same one they said pre election last time then silence.
Maybe, just maybe, you have take apologies in good faith. It later transpired that Azhar Ali was a wrong 'un and the Labour Party dealt with it. The difference between that and the Lee Anderson issue is that Anderson has been publically saying hateful, divisive shit for years and fuck-all was getting done about it. In fact, scrap that - they even promoted him to Deputy Chair at one point. It seems being a racist **** in this modern-day excuse of a Conservative Party isn't a barrier to progressing up the ladder.
That’s right, silly me.

Whoever could have guessed that somebody suggesting Israel had deliberately allowed over a thousand of its citizens (women and children) to be murdered in cold blood wasn’t in fact a genuinely nice bloke, and that his apology wasn’t in fact heartfelt and a sign of a wholly reformed character? I’m sure it came as a complete surprise to the likes of Lisa Nandy, given that she spent the weekend campaigning for him after he made his innocent but somewhat misjudged remarks.

What a load of bollocks. Utter, utter bollocks.

‘It later transpired that Azhar Ali was a wrong ‘un and the Labour Party dealt with it’. You can’t seriously believe that. All that happened is that Starmer desperately tried to avoid dealing with the issue until it became so bad that he had no choice. So don’t try to kid yourself that Ali’s apology was in anyway sincere, that Ali’s real views weren’t apparent after the first set of comments were reported in the papers, or that Starmer shouldn’t have booted him out straight away. Because, frankly, it makes you and the rest of the mob on here look ridiculous.

In the meantime I look forward to Labour’s report on the meeting where Ali was spouting his bile, in particular the details about who was there at the time and why nobody challenged Ali or reported his views. I can’t wait to hear all the apologies - all given in good faith, needless to say.
That’s right, silly me.

Whoever could have guessed that somebody suggesting Israel had deliberately allowed over a thousand of its citizens (women and children) to be murdered in cold blood wasn’t in fact a genuinely nice bloke, and that his apology wasn’t in fact heartfelt and a sign of a wholly reformed character? I’m sure it came as a complete surprise to the likes of Lisa Nandy, given that she spent the weekend campaigning for him after he made his innocent but somewhat misjudged remarks.

What a load of bollocks. Utter, utter bollocks.

‘It later transpired that Azhar Ali was a wrong ‘un and the Labour Party dealt with it’. You can’t seriously believe that. All that happened is that Starmer desperately tried to avoid dealing with the issue until it became so bad that he had no choice. So don’t try to kid yourself that Ali’s apology was in anyway sincere, that Ali’s real views weren’t apparent after the first set of comments were reported in the papers, or that Starmer shouldn’t have booted him out straight away. Because, frankly, it makes you and the rest of the mob on here look ridiculous.

In the meantime I look forward to Labour’s report on the meeting where Ali was spouting his bile, in particular the details about who was there at the time and why nobody challenged Ali or reported his views. I can’t wait to hear all the apologies - all given in good faith, needless to say.
The fact is that he apologised for those initial comments, whereas your mate Lee Anderson hasn't apologised for his. Then it later transpired that further comments came to light, at which point Labour withdrew their support for him. Could they and should they have acted more robustly sooner? Maybe, but until you can provide the evidence that Starmer et al were already aware of those further comments I suggest you keep clutching at those straws. In any case, it's plain to see to anyone with half a fucking brain cell that Starmer has cleaned up much of the anti-Semitism that blighted the party during the Corbyn years and it could actually be argued that given the amount of bile that spews out of Conservative Party HQ these days then it's they who now have a bigger anti-Semitism problem than Labour do, not to mention a bigger Islamaphobia problem, and of course a bigger racism problem.

And that's just it - so many of your beloved Tories are making offensive comments day in, day out, and most of the time fuck-all gets done about it. If you're happy for them to use language that - as has rightly been pointed out - is not dissimilar to that used in 1930s Nazi Germany - then that's your fucking prerogative and no amount of deflection tactics is going to change what a bunch of fucking not rights are fronting up the Conservative Party these days.

By the way, this is the Conservative Party thread and not the Labour Party thread so I suggest you stick to that topic or fuck off with your utterly laughable whataboutery.
Do I recall correctly that Lee Anderson was talking to the reform party and essentially wanted a bribe to defect. There was a bit of a cuffufle and it all went quiet.

Is that the same one who has managed to get himself thrown out if the tories just ahead of an election. For being a bit racist no less.

Whatever could be going on.

Eat shit tories.

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