The Conservative Party

Michael Gove off-his-tits on BBC Breakfast an hour ago. Blood-red in the face, super-animated and pulling strange ugly faces for the entire time the interviewer asks a question.

All I could think of was Spud at his interview in Trainspotting!
Michael Gove off-his-tits on BBC Breakfast an hour ago. Blood-red in the face, super-animated and pulling strange ugly faces for the entire time the interviewer asks a question.

All I could think of was Spud at his interview in Trainspotting!

he was in full-on trying to talk the time out mode, wasn't he?
"The government has admitted misleading Parliament in its response to a BBC report about former Afghan special forces being denied entry to the UK."

MoD admits to an error in an answer about whether UK Special forces had a veto on Afghan commandoes coming to the UK; they had an effective one, and it prevented any Afghans giving testimony on potential SAS wrongdoings.

I know the betting on the election date is a small issue in a world of bigger and more important issues, yet it is symptomatic of much that is wrong in political culture. Self-sacrifice and honour are trampled afoot in a last attempt to make a quid and get something for oneself as the ship sinks. Base.
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Gove is a thoroughly horrid man.

A good example of someone who thinks he knows a lot more than he actually does. (Most of us know fuck all in the scheme of things; wisdom is when you acknowledge this.)
The peculiar thing is that, within the Conservative Party, enemies and allies alike acknowledge him as the shrewdest of political operators and the one Minister who is always on top of his brief. He's mastered and played the game from both sides, so I guess he'll be back on screens after the General Election wearing his media hat.

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