The Conservative Party

The Tories decided to cut NI further and now Labour are stuck with this decision.

It's fucking obvious that this was unaffordable. And it is virtually certain the Tories put it through knowing they would almost certainly not win the GE. Talk about shitting the bed!
The Tories decided to cut NI further and now Labour are stuck with this decision.

It's fucking obvious that this was unaffordable. And it is virtually certain the Tories put it through knowing they would almost certainly not win the GE. Talk about shitting the bed!
This was an obvious Tory tactic to make it as difficult as possible for Labour as, as you say, they knew their reign was ending, giving them bullets to fire at Labour across the dispatch box.

Forgetting party differences, this is a cunts trick of the highest order as it is the country who will feel the pain. Sincerely hope the Covid Corruption Comittee and other Tory fiddles are exposed publicly, exposing them to the public for what they were

Tory fucking scum
With only 121 MPs it's striking to me that there are 6 candidates, with the backing of 10 MPs each, for the tory leadership. It shows how fragmented they are and it's highly probable that each of the candidates individually would have the support of less than 50% of the MPs atm.

It says to me that the entire future of the party is at stake as whoever wins is unlikely to lead them back into power and a best case scenario would seem to be a Kinnock type leadership that increases the number of seats over a couple of elections to put them back in the frame.
Hague, Howard and Duncan-Smith spring to mind.

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