The Conservative Party

You're dreaming.

May I remind you of this:

Labour polled 9,708,716 votes in the last election.The Conservatives polled 6,828,925. Reform polled 4,117,610.

i.e. The "right" polled 1.2m votes more than Labour. Given just how unpopular the Tories were after 14 years, and considering the high engery prices, higher interest rates, NHS issues etc, this is a staggeringly terrible result for Labour. Only the peculiarities of our first-past-the-post electoral system - which only really works well in a 2-party state - has resulted in such a huge majority for Labour.

But it is a vulnerable huge majority. Apparently a 1% swing from Labour to Tory, loses Labour 50 seats. A 2% swing loese them 100 seats. If the Tories manage to convince just a few of the Reform voters to come back to the Conservatives, then Labour will lose the next election.

Conversely, to give you some hope, if the Tories fail to attract sufficient numbers of Reform voters then the right wing vote will again be split and Labour will win again, as last time.

So it is ESSENTIAL that the Tories pick a right wing, anti-mass-immigration candidate. Jenrick and Badenoch are the only two sensible options.

This is a woeful piece of analysis as it completely ignores the 6m people that voted Lib Dem, Green and SNP. Who, if anything, are even more pro-immigration and many of whom will have been voting tactically against the Conservatives. Some of those will have felt more comfortable voting for their choice given the extent of the Labour lead but could be expected to pick Labour over Conservatives in a closer contest.

There is nowhere near a majority for the right in this country and the proportion is getting reliably smaller pretty much every cycle in 2015 it was 49%, 2017 45%, 2019 45%, and 2024 38%.

And let me just say, that’s not going to get any better with time. It’s this kind of fantasy of some “silent majority” that requires more extreme politics that has led the right in this country down this path of oblivion and you seem determined to let them continue over the cliff edge. As a centre voter, I would rather we had an effective opposition.
The worst type of person - rides on the coat tails of others then pulls the ladder up shouting - "thats them - they are down there - don't let them up they are the ones you need to stop"

Just shows that class loyalty trumps all else when it comes to these cunts. He doesn't oppose asylum seekers coming over here, he opposes asylum seekers who aren't rich enough to make arrangements like his father could. He sees these people as lesser than him, like these power-hungry toffs in the Tory party always do when it comes to poorer people. Is it a surprise that someone from the party of Boris Johnson wants to apply rules to other people that he would never apply to himself or his own family?

I mean well done for calling him out on his hypocrisy, but the idea that his experience is in any way comparable to the people coming over on small boats is laughable. Oh, you went from living an intensely privileged life as one of the richest families in Iraq to having to suffer the indignity of moving to one of the richest countries in the world and attending some of the best private schools in the country? And we're supposed to be surprised he has no sympathy for asylum seekers arriving on foot, in the backs of lorries, and in small boats after handing over their life savings to smugglers?
And let me just say, that’s not going to get any better with time. It’s this kind of fantasy of some “silent majority” that requires more extreme politics that has led the right in this country down this path of oblivion and you seem determined to let them continue over the cliff edge. As a centre voter, I would rather we had an effective opposition.
The irony of a 'silent majority' who never shut the fuck up.

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