The Conservative Party

I would argue that whatever votes Corbyn gained on the one hand he lost on the other. Many centrists had nowhere to go in his 2 elections. But centrist voters don't get much sympathy for some reason.

I'm on the fence re proportional representation. On the one hand we would have more balanced politics and I'm pretty sure Brexit would never have happened under that system. But then it would be a gift to extremism on both sides. Farage would easily overtake the libdems and other unpalatable types of various backgrounds would be gaining traction.
Not sure how you can say that PR would be a gift to extremism? If the number of seats you have is proportional to the number of votes you get then surely the results would be much fairer than what we have now where a party has a huge majority but less than 40% of the total vote?
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Not sure how you can say that PR would be a gift to extremism? If the number of seats you have is proportional to the number of votes you get then surely the results would be much fairer than what we have now where a party has a huge majority but less than 40% of the total vote?
It depends on what minimum vote you set for a losing party to get representation. Also the type of voting system chosen. In Israel for example all govs are in hock to extremists as 5% will get you a seat.
It depends on what minimum vote you set for a losing party to get representation. Also the type of voting system chosen. In Israel for example all govs are in hock to extremists as 5% will get you a seat.
Yeah. It's very dependent on the system but in general people would be far more likely to vote for a fringe party as its ni longer a wasted vote.

So it's good for everyone from the Greens and communists to the BNP and ukip. They all get in the game, how many seats depends on the system and the unknown latent support for such groups. All at the expense of the establishment and there us an argument that in big parties like tory and Labour there is better self regulation (debatable, but as an example reform will stand behind any loon with virtually no background checks, much harder to become a Labour candidate).
Yeah. It's very dependent on the system but in general people would be far more likely to vote for a fringe party as its ni longer a wasted vote.

So it's good for everyone from the Greens and communists to the BNP and ukip. They all get in the game, how many seats depends on the system and the unknown latent support for such groups. All at the expense of the establishment and there us an argument that in big parties like tory and Labour there is better self regulation (debatable, but as an example reform will stand behind any loon with virtually no background checks, much harder to become a Labour candidate).

We shouldn't be vetting prospective MPs though should we? As long as they are not running drug rings or murdering people we should have a more eclectic house of commons.

If say you stood on the legalise all drugs because I like drugs ticket then you might or might not get voted in.
We shouldn't be vetting prospective MPs though should we? As long as they are not running drug rings or murdering people we should have a more eclectic house of commons.

If say you stood on the legalise all drugs because I like drugs ticket then you might or might not get voted in.
Wile it might be fun to have some Liberal hippies, it's the skinheads with swastikas I'd not be so keen on.
Zahawi getting pelters today over this tweet - sees a homeless man sleeping on the street - doesn't stop to offer help but creates a photo op to attack London's Mayor out of its. He is a sick fuck that is indicative of why the Tories lost and why - looking at their candidates - how far away they are from redemption

Chemical Badenoch for leader!

Keith will chew the arrogant woman up in any debate. If she was good as she thinks she is she would be a threat. Comes across as childish name called who blames everyone else but herself for her cock ups.
Can’t ever see the Tories electing a woman, or a non-white as leader…

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