The day they have been waiting for finally arrived.

paulchapo said:
Oh how they are loving this!They have sat and feigned fake smiles,made some nice comments through gritted teeth and sat on their hands since Sergio's winner. On Sunday all the bile and hatred they feel towards our club was unleashed and how they are milking it for all it is worth.

The media,no real suprise there,hammering us from all angles.Now Gareth Barry,one of the mildest men in a football shirt charged while the snarling foul mouthed apology for a human being Rooney, snarls and protests every decision every week and screams onscenities in the refs ear all game long,almost every game.

There have been a few half hearted criticisms of players celebrating in front of the oppositions fans...they didn't say United players..... God forbid!......although i haven't read every report,but mainly it is hammering us.

As i said in a previous post 13 arrests,mostly for drunkeness,a coin hitting a player goading people and one drunken kid running onto the pitch is hardly the Armageddon they are making out.No mention of the disgraceful goading and taunting of the City fans by some United players and not for the first time.They have been warned TWICE before about it and how they escaped a charge after the way they celebrated in front of the Chelsea fans when they won at the bridge is beyond me.Now i and most City fans can take it,they give me stick i give it back,but don't be suprised if in doing so in the heat of the moment someone snaps.Shit happens.Poke even the most mild mannered person or animal enough and eventually it will bite your finger off.

I hope Mancini is cutting out every newspaper article and recording every clip of the piss taking and over the top criticism.I hope he has footage of the wanker Jones and Wellbeck giving it to City fans.I hope he has video's and pictures of the pain in City fan's faces.I want him to assemble all the players and staff in a closed room and call for silence.There will be no speaking until the show finishes.I then want them to sit and watch it all.

At the end i want him to tell them this is what we are up against.Do you want to shut the fuckers up once more and wipe the gloating smiles off their cretinious faces?There is the door.Everyone who is not with us and prepared to give 100% and fight with their last breath to achieve this aim fuck off now and don't come back.Those that are left.......''LET'S FUCKING GO!!!!''

I doubt Mancini would fire up the players like this, he's not that type of manager.
Trouble is, if you focus all of your attention on a rival, you end up missing the bigger picture. Look at Arsenal and Spurs, they cancel each other out every season. The best ploy is to try and win every game, no matter who the opposition is, regardless what anyone says or thinks, be a winning machine, not the team that tries to get one over their closest rivals above all else.

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