The Derby Post Match Thread

dronefromsector7g said:
End of an era. Time for some players and a manager who actually gives a fuck. Fourth place is a fucking disgrace for this squad. Yaya is a c**t.
What makes you think we will get 4th place
argyle said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
salfordsingingblue said:
the cart is leading the horse I miss Roberto mancini and all that he stood for

Should be on a private jet to Milan now with cap in hand to bring him back. Worse decision we ever did was get rid of him.


Would have been better if we'd backed the manager rather than a bunch of shit house players who down tools if they don't get what they want.

Liked his passion but awful man management skills. Would never have him back.
citygal1 said:
Just get top four and rebuild

In an odd way I'm excited coz if the owners were not already planning an overhaul, then they will be after this!

This season will set us back at least two seasons and maybe more depending on who we can sign.

We need a complete overhaul not just a fine tune.
super_city_si said:
Van gal got plenty of stick but we were comprehensively out coached today. Our guys must do fucking nothing in training. We have no shape. No one has a clue what to do when we don't have the ball.
If you think LVG is running the swamp you are miguided. The GPC is firmly at the reins via Briggsy, old players brought back, new signings on the bench, old style tactics. LVG looks like he's on Mogadon !!
However many mistakes MP has made this season and he has made many the players have downed tools as they did with Mancini. There are too many apathetic gutless freeloaders in our ranks who call the shots, MP has to go but the rotten apples need to be dispatched.
I think at this moment we are all being a little short sighted, there is a bigger picture, surely there has to be a bigger picture, just has to be a bigger picture, I’m convinced there is a bigger picture, can’t you see the bigger picture? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I honestly think that some of these players know that they are gone come the summer. Now if anyone does not believe that this will play a part in how they approach games then you are very mistaken.

If it was us at our work, and we were told, hey your gone in the summer, would we put 100% into our role - like fuck we would.
I won't deny I'm livid, but if anything this game has confirmed what some of us were saying months before.

I'm just afraid that some players don't really give a shit, and that for me is the biggest insult anyone pulling on our shirt can give us. After the scum scored the 4th, Joe Hart was visibly livid, and showed passion that he was not prepared to let them run riot. Our so called captain Yaya Toure didn't even look to bothered.
Personally I blame the players. This is now twice they have a hung a manager to dry.

BUT. Manuel's position is now untenable and he has to go. Simple as that.

I can't defend it anymore.

This is now a massive challenge for this club, or the people who run it. Everything they stand for is falling down. Everything they want to achieve. Something is clearly wrong and a choice has to be made. Getting over the line now for top 4 is all that matters.
kramer said:
A good manager makes a team 20% better
A bad manager makes a team 80% worse

It is clear what Manuel is

Does that apply to the captain as well. All too easy to blame pellers for failing to motivate the players. Only so much he can do from the sidelines. Once the ball is kicked, the Captain should be the motivating factor.

Wont be popular but Vinnie is equally as culpabe for failing to rally the troops.

Yes Pellers will probably go, but lets fairly apportion criticism

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