The difference between a City fan and a United fan?

The difference is we are fans, we are born blue, they are glory hunters with no affiliation to the club, when the glory goes so will they.

* proud *
paulchapo said:
I have supported City for over 40 years.When i started the two clubs were probably neck and neck,although we were the newly promoted upstarts where as they had been at the top for years.Both teams had great players.United Charlton,Best,Law,us Bell,Lee and Summerbee.In spite of this City were still regarded as the underdogs and looked down on by the rags and the media[which wasn't as influentual then pre sky and internet days.]

I just liked everything City stood for,from the genial smiling Joe Mercer to the exciting brash Malcolm Allison.I read an interview when he said we would be better than them and he wanted to put the pride back in the club and get more kids wearing blue and white scarves with a smile on their faces.I was sold and City it definately was for me from there on in.

I have never once regretted that decision.Even when they were winning trophy after trophy and we were playing at Macclesfield and Walsall i loved almost every minute.Our fans had humour,humility and most of all loyalty even when getting stick and the piss taken from every concievable angle we stood firm and proud.Other fans admired us and our loyalty shook the red side because they knew we had something no amount of money and trophies could buy.

Many times i was asked,''How CAN you support that shower of shit???'' I would just smile and reply,''You would never understand,that's why you support United.''

Let no bastard tell you this club has no soul or history.We have proved it over barren cold windswept years on falling down terraces far and wide.Every success we may have in the future has been earned,not bought,by the unshakeable love,loyalty,humility and humour of our magnificent fans of who i am proud to say i am one.That my friend is the difference.

Magnificent post.
paulchapo said:
I have supported City for over 40 years.When i started the two clubs were probably neck and neck,although we were the newly promoted upstarts where as they had been at the top for years.Both teams had great players.United Charlton,Best,Law,us Bell,Lee and Summerbee.In spite of this City were still regarded as the underdogs and looked down on by the rags and the media[which wasn't as influentual then pre sky and internet days.]

I just liked everything City stood for,from the genial smiling Joe Mercer to the exciting brash Malcolm Allison.I read an interview when he said we would be better than them and he wanted to put the pride back in the club and get more kids wearing blue and white scarves with a smile on their faces.I was sold and City it definately was for me from there on in.

I have never once regretted that decision.Even when they were winning trophy after trophy and we were playing at Macclesfield and Walsall i loved almost every minute.Our fans had humour,humility and most of all loyalty even when getting stick and the piss taken from every concievable angle we stood firm and proud.Other fans admired us and our loyalty shook the red side because they knew we had something no amount of money and trophies could buy.

Many times i was asked,''How CAN you support that shower of shit???'' I would just smile and reply,''You would never understand,that's why you support United.''

Let no bastard tell you this club has no soul or history.We have proved it over barren cold windswept years on falling down terraces far and wide.Every success we may have in the future has been earned,not bought,by the unshakeable love,loyalty,humility and humour of our magnificent fans of who i am proud to say i am one.That my friend is the difference.

Fantastic post mate...!
Still very true.

To support Manchester City is to believe that God might have trouble running things on this planet, but he's in control of the next world. He has to be. The Devil rules this world and always will, because his team are Manchester United, and they are world famous and monolithic.

Manchester City, who's name travels the world about as well as Gracie Fields or Pulp, are on the side of the angels; the poor, sapped, unfortunate angels who still believe in quaint antiquated notions of earthly good. To support Manchester City is to accept with heroic willingness the dead-flat that the universe is cold and hostile, and nothing good will become of it. To support City is to tackle head on the crushing pointlessness of existence and to attempt to make something of it. It is hard work. So why do it? Because somehow this seems ultimately more dignified and fulfilling than taking the easy way out and supporting the lulling and obnoxious United.

To support United is too easy. It's convenience supporting. It makes life too easy. There is no challenge. It is a cowardly form of escapism, a sell-out to the forces of evil. United fans have no soul and will spend their eternity neck deep in boiling vomit. City fans retain their soul and will spend their eternity forever reliving the moment their team beat Newcastle 4-3 away from home to win the League Championship in 1968, beating United into second place. Surely we will have such eternal bliss again, for why do we spend so much time suffering in this life watching our team climb to the summit only so that we can watch them dive, dive, dive to their pitiless bottom of the heap while United, of Manchester, but nothing really to do with it, float every more triumphantly skywards?

Heartless United are the incarnation of shamelessness and to support them is heroism in a can. Cavalier City, however awry their football, however dire their straits, glow with something mystical and transcendental. City have soul. United do not.

When they are great again, City will have shown that they are worth their extraordinary fans. To this day these fans will walk a million miles for one of Joe Mercer's smiles. They'll sing a million songs waiting for some new Mercer-like magic. Because they are City, and Christ do they know they're born.

Paul Morley
November 1998
Kippaxgirl said:
Good post. I agree with a lot of what you say. The reason United fans are so arrogant is that they have won for so long and always seem to come up smelling of roses (or whatever). It pisses me off to be honest.

The greatest advantage Utd has is that they NEVER give up. They score most of their goals in the last 20 minutes of a game. They have the mental toughness not to quit even when 3 down. City, on the other hand, has a propensity to give up stupid goals in the last few minutes. CRM (Coach Robert Mancini) better drum it into the guys when they play April 30th is to play until the very last whistle. This is the game that will determine the EPL winner
Sorry, but this is more media bollocks.
They crumbled like a house of sand when we continued to attack them in the last 15 minutes at the swamp. And their arses went in the cup tie when we only had 10 men for 80 minutes and Sergio still nearly got us a draw single-handed.
The difference is City fans are more generous in life they are used to ups and downs. They like to live the dream and can relate to other supporters good or bad. Every city supporter I've met would quite happily have a drink and a chat about football or life in general.

Whenever you meet rags all they want to TELL you about is how good they are. They don't listen with any reason.

Its like a golf club were you have two types of players - the ones that turn up play and rush off home and the ones that play and socialise after the game.

The real test for the Rags will be if they have another barron spell and all that arrogant belief dissapears. Rag fans of the 70 / 80s were Ok.

I hope throughout any success we may have we retain our humour and humility.

I have supported City for nearly 40 years and have never regretted my descision.
Posts about the rags on the home page of Bluemoon at 1030 am = 9

Posts about City on home page of Ragcafe at 1030 am = 1

If the rags didn't exist, this forum would be empty. Pam would be rolling around in a pink room full of kittens. Lovecity would be a formula 1 car driver, and Ban-mcfc would be trotting down canal street arm in arm with his boyfriends.

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