the economy.

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It was about 500 billion when Blair resigned as PM compared to 1.8 trillion now.
Yes cabinets do blame previous incumbents, definitely at first but not usually after they have been in power for more than six years.
At least twenty seven countries run a surplus ( check out Google) including Denmark and Norway.
Only five countries have no debt.
What about the deficit in comparison?

We've been through this.
Weren't the last incumbents the Con-LibDem alliance? Or can you just keep going back and back until you find someone you want to blame?
I blame Reginald Maudling the outgoing Conservative chancellor in 1964.
He left a note for the incoming Labour Chancellor "Sunny Jim" Callaghan. It read " Good luck old cock. Sorry to leave it in such a mess".
The economy as been in a so called mess since as long as I can remember. I'm 65. it's a load of propaganda, as Albert Fiinney would say.
Precisely. "As far as Manchester went". But nowhere else.
Political gimmick.
The entire concept was to create a northern balance to London. Absolutely, that wouldn't benefit everyone in the north directly if you look at it in the short term. The benefits were generally for Manchester and were indirect elsewhere. Long term, however, imagine a city on the scale of London at the other end of England acting as a political and economic counterbalance.

It is a brilliant long term ambition.
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