the economy.

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I'll believe the economy is on the up when I get another job - was laid off six weeks ago and there's bugger all available other than telesales.
Also, I'll believe it when:
a) net savers can invest at a rate greater than inflation
b) average pay rises for those earning low to average wages match inflation
no, the economy is not in recovery.

while there might be some minor statistical increase in growth, it doesn't disguise the fact that low interest rates and a lack of willingness on the part of (state owned) banks to enforce recovery action against their customers is resulting in many businesses being artifically kept alive and driving down instances in insolvency.

it will only take a nominal rise in interest rates or a harsher stance being taken by HMRC to see a readjustment of the market which in my view, is long overdue...
Trollsmoan said:
sweynforkbeard said:
Trollsmoan said:
The have's and the have not's.

Everything is fine.....

And suddenly, completely without warning, we are plunged into APOSTROPHE HELL. Hear the pedants scream, see the grammar police flex their wickedly flexible rubber truncheons, witness the self immolation of retired English teachers as their spittle flecked lips move soundlessly whilst attempting to comprehend the depths of the horror.

And never start a sentence with "And" Shirley?..this is what being poor gets you, badly educated street urchins!...

So proving that the economy is not the shiny, soaring leviathan that some purveyors of linoleum would have us believe. Though I must observe that in current usage starting a sentence with a conjunction is not strictly held up as a horrifying solecism.
bluegirl74 said:
no, the economy is not in recovery.

while there might be some minor statistical increase in growth, it doesn't disguise the fact that low interest rates and a lack of willingness on the part of (state owned) banks to enforce recovery action against their customers is resulting in many businesses being artifically kept alive and driving down instances in insolvency.

it will only take a nominal rise in interest rates or a harsher stance being taken by HMRC to see a readjustment of the market which in my view, is long overdue...

When interest rates rise the zombie companies will collapse like a pack of cards.
The perfect fumble said:
bluegirl74 said:
no, the economy is not in recovery.

while there might be some minor statistical increase in growth, it doesn't disguise the fact that low interest rates and a lack of willingness on the part of (state owned) banks to enforce recovery action against their customers is resulting in many businesses being artifically kept alive and driving down instances in insolvency.

it will only take a nominal rise in interest rates or a harsher stance being taken by HMRC to see a readjustment of the market which in my view, is long overdue...

When interest rates rise the zombie companies will collapse like a pack of cards.

absolutely. as an accountant i'm aware of a ridiculous number of zombies, all of which need to be put out of their misery for the sake of owners and employees alike.
I can only speak as I find, and most of the companies I deal with on a day to day basis have not been this busy for years, a few are having to turn down work.

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