the economy.

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Ducado said:
Blue Maverick said:
I said when it went bump 5 years ago we were looking at least 15-20 years to get back anywhere near the levels of 2008. I'm sorry to say I think I might be right, can't see anyway out of this unless someone takes a leap of faith and stops all the cuts.

Well that does not chime with what I am seeing, there appears to be a lot of activity in construction at the moment, however at this stage it does not always translate into more jobs as companies have gotten used to working "leaner"

Incidentally I heard a little snippet on Radio 3 the other day saying that SME's are depositing far more money than they are lending, all it needs is a bit more confidence for them to start investing again, things are as gloomy as they were

SME's are being targeting for deposits in a bid by the banks to meet their capital adequacy targets. lending is still available for viable companies but viable companies are few are far between.
I have absolutely no confidence in the Toffs to do anything about the current state of the economy. Their 'lets stick to this plan' course of action has only ensured the awful recession has lasted much longer than it needed to. Dont forget that borrowing has gone up under this government, not down.

As in all recessions, the rich have got richer and our country has not appetite to deal with the real problems.

The Tories have done what they always do and that is find someone to blame. This time it has been those on Benefits and for all the cuts we've saved half of one percent of the total cost. Brilliant.

They used to say a strong Government needed a strong shadow government. Unfortunately we dont have that and its a total shame to the Labour Party. Their alternative to Osbourne is Ed Balls FFS!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Trollsmoan said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Well the economy has grown by 1.4% over the last 4 quarters, the data also suggests its not just a flash even the IMF have agreed we will grow economically this year and at this rate well above the expectation. We aren't suddenly going to start pulling 4% a year out while Europe dies slowly on its knees

Highest rise since autumn due to consumer spending and not exports and likely due to the nice weather, yeah exciting times ahead!

I would never call the economy exciting really. Weather has been nice for around 3 weeks none of which were in the 2nd quarter period. All 4 sectors grew. Its all decent news
Thank you for explaining that to him. People should think before they post at times.

-- Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:09 pm --

The perfect fumble said:
bluegirl74 said:
no, the economy is not in recovery.

while there might be some minor statistical increase in growth, it doesn't disguise the fact that low interest rates and a lack of willingness on the part of (state owned) banks to enforce recovery action against their customers is resulting in many businesses being artifically kept alive and driving down instances in insolvency.

it will only take a nominal rise in interest rates or a harsher stance being taken by HMRC to see a readjustment of the market which in my view, is long overdue...

When interest rates rise the zombie companies will collapse like a pack of cards.
Which we are assured wont happen for at least 18 months by which time the economy will have continued its recovery.

The doom mongers have been calling financial apocalypse for 4 years now on here.

-- Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:09 pm --

Rammyblues said:
Its fucked pure and simple.
Pmsl :-)<br /><br />-- Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:10 pm --<br /><br />
bluegirl74 said:
The perfect fumble said:
bluegirl74 said:
no, the economy is not in recovery.

while there might be some minor statistical increase in growth, it doesn't disguise the fact that low interest rates and a lack of willingness on the part of (state owned) banks to enforce recovery action against their customers is resulting in many businesses being artifically kept alive and driving down instances in insolvency.

it will only take a nominal rise in interest rates or a harsher stance being taken by HMRC to see a readjustment of the market which in my view, is long overdue...

When interest rates rise the zombie companies will collapse like a pack of cards.

absolutely. as an accountant i'm aware of a ridiculous number of zombies, all of which need to be put out of their misery for the sake of owners and employees alike.
As an economist and financial advisor I disagree.
Josh Blue said:
For a start that's about the USA. Secondly, grown ups are talking and don't have time to watch 12 minutes of some random bloke off the net that you managed to find on YouTube whilst attempting to be thought provoking.
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