The End of on Street Parking within walking distance of the Etihad

Oh how I'll miss parking in Little Mariupol (Upper Helena Street) on dark, cold, rainy, weekday nights, then walking through deep wet puddles, before attempting the obstacle course through Ashton Canal Park (akin to the Total Wipeout course for the Burnley game), then over the tram tracks in sodden trainers and socks, before taking my seat wondering if it really is all worth it!

On the plus side, we've parked there for free for every home game for at least the last 10 years!
I'm digging a tunnel from my garden fuck it..........titchy bogey like the great escape.

£10 a trip there and back. Bring a change of clothes........ and a spade.

Must sign a waiver.

Should be finished by 2050..............

Bloody Nora, you've actually come up with an idea that's SLOWER than the Metro!!!
Not strictly parking related but article in men today about plans to amend the junction of Turing way and Ashton old road into a CYCLOPS junction (segregated lanes for cyclists and pedestrians).

Fits with the whole we don’t want cars here in this area mantra. More infrastructure for cyclists that won’t get used nearly enough to justify it. At least city will put more bike sheds in to go with it…

Mention of improving road safety at a hot spot and also putting in measures that will in the long run make people want to use alternative methods of transport. Most idiotic way to do things, also the transport not to a decent enough standard.
Not strictly parking related but article in men today about plans to amend the junction of Turing way and Ashton old road into a CYCLOPS junction (segregated lanes for cyclists and pedestrians).

Fits with the whole we don’t want cars here in this area mantra. More infrastructure for cyclists that won’t get used nearly enough to justify it. At least city will put more bike sheds in to go with it…

Mention of improving road safety at a hot spot and also putting in measures that will in the long run make people want to use alternative methods of transport. Most idiotic way to do things, also the transport not to a decent enough standard.
I just read the same article mate, I’d happily take public transport but it’s an absolute joke for me and my sons where we are etc would turn a match into an all day thing and as a disabled fan and one son with autism it sure as hell will suck the fun out of the whole match day
These clowns that put the restrictions in place have no idea what travelling on public transport entails for some.
In a world that professes to be understanding of all people, they don't realise the problems it can cause.
Plenty of people have anxiety of tightly packed carriages and been at the beck and call of a service provider.
The CAR is their only comfort.
Limiting parking is driving (no pun intended) away these supporters, but as we know they don't give a stuff because they'll sell the tickets for £60 a pop!!!!!!

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