The End of on Street Parking within walking distance of the Etihad

Private parking companies are offering spaces (house driveways etc.) around the Etihad for between £14 and £50 this Saturday 21st between 1pm - 6pm. Sign of things to come.
If you use one of them spaces officially. You can normally set up a deal with the house owner paying in cash. We use same guy at Wembley £12 a game.
Wouldn’t the new arena increase the number of days considerably?

If there were already trains running past there regularly, it may have been feasible to build a station and have them stop there during events. Like they do at Wembley Stadium station.

But there aren’t, which would make the cost of setting up a service from scratch, so prohibitive, it wouldn’t even be worth starting to think about it.

They haven’t even bothered running trains into United’s ground for years, and that is all set up and available.
If there were already trains running past there regularly, it may have been feasible to build a station and have them stop there during events. Like they do at Wembley Stadium station.

But there aren’t, which would make the cost of setting up a service from scratch, so prohibitive, it wouldn’t even be worth starting to think about it.

They haven’t even bothered running trains into United’s ground for years, and that is all set up and available.
The only way I think it would work is if the trains that currently call at Victoria and then use the Ordsall chord to call at Oxford Rd and Piccadilly were diverted past the ground direct into Piccadilly. It would mean passengers would have to change trains to get to the airport but it would relieve pressure on the Castlefield corridor. This idea was looked at before the chord was built and HS2 was destined to destroy the idea but maybe now can be revived. I’ve never understood why they wanted a long distance service to call at 3 or 4 train stations in one city as it passes through. Like London you should just get to a terminus then use metro services to get to your final destination.
but it is all better for a greener planet, we have such a wonderful public transport system that is having 31 billion spent on, dont know what the problem is.

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