The game is off

Just had a text from the ticket office timed at 19:50 telling me the game is off!!! Oh well better late than never i guess,lol!!
Just got back home, City square was ridiculous,I am 6-2 16 stone and was nearly blown off my feet, should have been called off this afternoon, roads are a joke full of fallen trees and Barton bridge is closed due to a lorry falling over onto a car, only bright note Sergio will be available for the re arranged game so not all bad.

Cheers for that text City, 1 minute AFTER kick off...
Absolute disgrace. Well pissed off!

Plus it's absolutely fine now.

I left work, got to the carpark, went to ASDA to get something to eat, walked back to the car and put the radio on to listen for updates. It was bad, but really not that bad. And now it's just a strong wind, nothing serious whatsoever.

But they've had all fucking day to call it off and they've known since the weekend that the weather was going to be bad today.

What about all the Blues who travel a long way and the Mackems coming down from up there?

They should have been onto the Met Office this morning and a decision should have been made then not at 18:30. Most people who will have decided to come to the game will have left by that time. And the rest will have made the decision not to go.

It doesn't matter if just 10000 or so fans turn up. The game just needs to go ahead if it can and it really could have. Right now the weather is just fine and as I say of bet by 18:30 everyone who will have been coming will have set off already.

Stoke just delayed their game. Why not do that? Give everyone the extra time to get into the ground?

When are we going to play this fucking game now?

Just don't understand this decision at all, at the time it was made.
Pigeonho said:
mancityvstoke said:
Pigeonho said:
Eh? What the fuck are you talking about you dick? I asked a question, no tears, just a question.

You're the dick nobby
So you're not answering the question then? Strange fucker.

I'm strange? You want to try attending games instead of sat at home on your arse telling everyone its easy to get to the game because its only a little bit windy.

Fucking hero. Talk shit mate as always.

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