El Presidente
TGR said:Rascal said:Markt85 said:A view from a UKIP'er i know -
In some ways the damage has already been done which is why all those of the right vehemently opposed Labour, immigration should be a POSITIVE force inriching society creating a wider employment range creating jobs and grow economy, but in true Labour fashion it was all about ignorance and completely open borders to anyone without any understanding or control, now we have a situation of strained public services a country with hostile communities in in closed areas, and the government fighting against it, the first thing to do is to get out of Europe which is costing billions to a corrupt and inefficient EU, STOP free flow of people where we have no control of what and who is coming in, next to work closely with communities understanding them and providing tougher laws on any HATE led organization including EDP! And Muslim extremists. You wouldn't have free movement into your home in fact you shut the door and restrict it, the same goes for your nation, in order to have a healthy society with good public services, stable economy and a united community you simply HAVE to AT LEAST restrict what comes in, points based system is used by many nations and is shown to be effective, but we can't since the EU is mainly left led government that wants to restrict Britain and make it take the burden to create an equal Europe.
It is the very reason left wing governments never work, their philosophy is tax anyone that works hard to fund the safety net with the result being a society that is state dependent which stagnates growth in the individual since their is little reward and much to fall back on, knowing that people from poorer countries will obviously vote for these policies large scale immigration is introduced to create a large voting pool to keep them in power, it is the very reason the Tory's are giving much devolution to Scotland it will take away Labours stronghold....all Parties do it and in 12 years of Labour government they engineered this society, and finally the answer to all problems is use this high tax to throw money at any issues thinking this will make the problem better, while insome ways it does it creates beurocracy and ultimately inefficiency as they try as a traditional left policy to control the state put in ridiculous targets and middle management which the public are left baffled with
Tell your UKIP mate he is a fucking crackpot from me. Ta
Excellent, objective, powerful reasoning Rascal (again).
Well done.
Why am i going to waste my time replying to somebody who is not even a member here and who believes the cloud cuckoo stuff he has told Mark. Its crackpot stuff. Read it. What planet is the fella on?
Just one point shows the man is an idiot. He thinks the EU is a left wing led organisation. Only France of the major states has a left led government of note.
And he thinks Labour used Freedom of Movement to gerrymander elections. The mans a fuckwit and a half for believing that. How can you under Freedom of Movement control who comes here and what there politics are? You cant, as he goes onto bemoan same Freedom of Movement for creating so many problems.
He doesnt even realise we already have a points based system of immigration in place. Of course that points based system can not stop Freedom of Movement as i have explained earlier in the thread. But he didnt even know. What Mark posted from his friend was a lazy concoction of half truths, bare faced lies and extreme propaganda probably taken from the Britain First website that propogates myth to such an extent it is embarrassing.