Labour is dead and buried in scotland. No scare tactics will work. Recently appointed new Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy, a guy who celebrated with the tories when the 'No vote' result came in, he claimed over £1m in expenses over a 10 year period while urging people to vote no in scottish referendum, scared to death that the tax payer funded gravy train would stop running.
The Labour party represented the working classes. You only need to look at what people like Keir Hardie, Clement Attlee, Nye Bevan and Tony Benn have done for the party and the country. All admirable politicians with genuine conviction. Then Ed Balls say that the Labour party would continue with austerity and Tory spending plans..... hang on… aren’t you meant to be offering an alternative?!!? But no. They won’t. Instead of modernising or even trying to reach out to those people that don’t vote… they consider it easier to appeal to the demographics that always vote. Why should we give them a mandate to carry on the Tories work? Wipe them out!
Anyway, the future generation of voters will have grown up, hopefully, questioning why they should vote Labour? And… why should they? I cannot see any reason now why I would vote Labour ever again. And there are so many people out in Scotland that feel the same way, rest of the u.k need to take notice of this. Politics have been dominating the news up here for past 2 years.
This is why the Labour party is now finished in Scotland and this will affect them at the general election, and it is all their own fault too. They’ll visiting working class, make speeches in city centres, you will hear them on the tv, threatening us with a rhetoric saying “if you don’t vote for us, you’ll let the Tories/UKIP in!” Don’t fall for this bollocks. They deserve to be wiped out. Along with the spineless Lib Dems.