Well-Known Member
blue cigar said:As serious as your earlier reply de niro? I see the bullingdon boys have launched their campaign by lying about the defecit and having a poster of a german road! Still,let the toffs of bluemoon tell us they are doing a great job.
By lying about the deficit do you mean borrowing more money than EVERY Labour government in history, COMBINED?
Or if there are so many more "jobs" being created and so many more people in employment, why then has the tax revenue dropped and not increased? Surely nothing to do with zero hour contracts, starvation wages with the remainder being made up from tax payer funded Tax Credits and Housing benefit (often to very wealthy landlords that hide their wealth in offshore accounts?), has anyone mentioned them selling off the NHS, I think I mentioned it a while ago, but the tory boys seem to have missed the post, or DWP no longer keeping count of the numbers that DIE while waiting for an appeal after being barred from receiving Disablement benefit despite medical evidence from medically qualified professionals that know the medical history?