The General Election Thread

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Ducado said:
SWP's back said:
Ducado said:
If you only knew what they have planned for public services in this country I don't think you would be so happy their are cuts on the way the like of which have never been seen before, there will be social breakdown of course they will have row back like they had to last time they tried this, the good news is if they hold good they will lose the next election
Good. I'm a fan of small state.

I'm inquisitive as to how you know more about what they have planned though. You ITK?

The last part of your paragraph is sour grapes and wishful thinking.

To achieve their deficit reduction as stated will mean huge cuts, there is no other option it's not going to be pleasant for the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, I will await someone to tell me they deserve it for an accident of birth,.

I expected this result anyway incumbent governments rarely lose after one term
No. You didn't. Not a single person on the thread predicted it.

Well a few on the right said we'd do better than the polls suggested by not everyone is as wise. said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
de niro said:
here we go.
let the bitterness begin.
He's probably pright though. Without a coalition partner to exercise at least some restraint, the next five years are going to be brutal I suspect. Deep cuts and little growth in productivity are on the menu.

Surely you are missing the point this is democracy and working people all over the country are sick of the issues raised by Benefit cheats scroungers and immigration These points were all at the forefront of this election and it looks like the majority have come down in favour of action against these pressing issues.
If that's what you think this election was really about then I fucking despair.
SWP's back said:
Blue Maverick said:
SWP's back said:
More lies.

And I'd calm down sunshine or it will be you having that heart attack.

Why can't the left lose graciously?
Lies well you better come tell my watch then because it's called a CRIT team at the moment sunshine, and the fire service are going to be doing it in the next year.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ects/crit/</a>
So you were lying then. Thanks for the link proving it.

Not exact,y what you were claiming was it.

Also I like this bit

The team members will build on the successful prevention work carried out over the last 10 years by GMFRS by providing specific home safety advice to those identified as being at higher risk from fire, falls, burns, crime and poor health, and fitting equipment to reduce that risk. This preventative approach will help to reduce demand for all three emergency services and adult local authority social care services.

So started under Labour, was a success. Why would a Labour have repealed it? Oh yes they wouldn't.

You were just lying again.

The scheme sounds a fucking good idea though.
Are you stupid or niave, it's ambulance on the cheap, of course they won't put the fine detail in there would they otherwise people would cotton on to it, yesterday we were told in no uncertain terms what we would be doing, it's that and much more, but as you are an expert in every job and field in the public sector I'll bow to your superior knowledge in everything.
Prestwich_Blue said: said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
He's probably pright though. Without a coalition partner to exercise at least some restraint, the next five years are going to be brutal I suspect. Deep cuts and little growth in productivity are on the menu.

Surely you are missing the point this is democracy and working people all over the country are sick of the issues raised by Benefit cheats scroungers and immigration These points were all at the forefront of this election and it looks like the majority have come down in favour of action against these pressing issues.
If that's what you think this election was really about then I fucking despair.

If that was really the problem and it gets "solved" there's £500m saved. Where do people think the other £11.5bn "savings" is gonna fucking come from !!!! Don't get sick is my advice
Ducado said:
SWP's back said:
Ducado said:
If you only knew what they have planned for public services in this country I don't think you would be so happy their are cuts on the way the like of which have never been seen before, there will be social breakdown of course they will have row back like they had to last time they tried this, the good news is if they hold good they will lose the next election
Good. I'm a fan of small state.

I'm inquisitive as to how you know more about what they have planned though. You ITK?

The last part of your paragraph is sour grapes and wishful thinking.

To achieve their deficit reduction as stated will mean huge cuts, there is no other option it's not going to be pleasant for the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, I will await someone to tell me they deserve it for an accident of birth,.

I expected this result anyway incumbent governments rarely lose after one term

Labour signed up to these cuts? I don't know why Labour are suddenly this moral party of right that will solve the problems of all these supposedly suffering people. Labour's alternative was to completely unbalance the country and the people have chosen to stick with something that has shown to work. You can't hold a government to account before their term has even begun.
Prestwich_Blue said: said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
He's probably pright though. Without a coalition partner to exercise at least some restraint, the next five years are going to be brutal I suspect. Deep cuts and little growth in productivity are on the menu.

Surely you are missing the point this is democracy and working people all over the country are sick of the issues raised by Benefit cheats scroungers and immigration These points were all at the forefront of this election and it looks like the majority have come down in favour of action against these pressing issues.
If that's what you think this election was really about then I fucking despair.

So the welfare culture and immigration were not significant issues in this election???? I fucking despair - that's why UKIP have just got 3.5 million votes.
Blue Maverick said:
SWP's back said:
Blue Maverick said:
Lies well you better come tell my watch then because it's called a CRIT team at the moment sunshine, and the fire service are going to be doing it in the next year.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ects/crit/</a>
So you were lying then. Thanks for the link proving it.

Not exact,y what you were claiming was it.

Also I like this bit

The team members will build on the successful prevention work carried out over the last 10 years by GMFRS by providing specific home safety advice to those identified as being at higher risk from fire, falls, burns, crime and poor health, and fitting equipment to reduce that risk. This preventative approach will help to reduce demand for all three emergency services and adult local authority social care services.

So started under Labour, was a success. Why would a Labour have repealed it? Oh yes they wouldn't.

You were just lying again.

The scheme sounds a fucking good idea though.
Are you stupid or niave, it's ambulance on the cheap, of course they won't put the fine detail in there would they otherwise people would cotton on to it, yesterday we were told in no uncertain terms what we would be doing, it's that and much more, but as you are an expert in every job and field in the public sector I'll bow to your superior knowledge in everything.
And Labour started it so why would they repeal the successful trial?
SWP's back said:
Ducado said:
SWP's back said:
Good. I'm a fan of small state.

I'm inquisitive as to how you know more about what they have planned though. You ITK?

The last part of your paragraph is sour grapes and wishful thinking.

To achieve their deficit reduction as stated will mean huge cuts, there is no other option it's not going to be pleasant for the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, I will await someone to tell me they deserve it for an accident of birth,.

I expected this result anyway incumbent governments rarely lose after one term
No. You didn't. Not a single person on the thread predicted it.

Well a few on the right said we'd do better than the polls suggested by not everyone is as wise.

Expectation and prediction are not the same thing, incumbents don't normally lose their second election
Tax fraud/evasion costs this country and its tax payers far more than any benefit fraud does, fact as Rafa would put it.

Sick to fucking death of reading the same shite all the time, in fact it disgusts me and no, I didn't vote Labour before some smart arse comes on.
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