The General Election Thread

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Theresa May was just asked what the Tories would have done if they weren't in a coalition with the LibDems

"A conservative government would be giving the security agencies and law enforcement agencies the powers that they need to ensure they're keeping up to date as people communicate with communications data. We were prevented from bringing in that legislation into the last government because of the coalitions with the Lib Dems and we are determined to bring that through because we believe that is necessary to maintain the capabilities of our law enforcement agencies so they can continue to do the excellent job day in day out of keeping us safe and secure"

What a fucking Pantomime villain. Nobody can dare say that the LibDems did nothing in government now
Hamann Pineapple said:
Greens - 1m votes - 1 seat
UKIP - 3.6m votes - 1 seat
Lib Dems - 2m votes - 8 seats
SNP - 1.4m votes - 56 seats

Great system

yeah but the system means the main 2 parties have as I type 540 seats between them on probably 35-40m votes so it works for them and I doubt there will be change any time soon.
SWP's back said:
Blue Maverick said:
SWP's back said:
So you were lying then. Thanks for the link proving it.

Not exact,y what you were claiming was it.

Also I like this bit

So started under Labour, was a success. Why would a Labour have repealed it? Oh yes they wouldn't.

You were just lying again.

The scheme sounds a fucking good idea though.
Are you stupid or niave, it's ambulance on the cheap, of course they won't put the fine detail in there would they otherwise people would cotton on to it, yesterday we were told in no uncertain terms what we would be doing, it's that and much more, but as you are an expert in every job and field in the public sector I'll bow to your superior knowledge in everything.
And Labour started it so why would they repeal the successful trial?
Labour introduced home safety checks I.e. Fitting smoke alarms, that's it, they did not introduce the rest, simple question when you phone with a medical emergency do you want highly trained staff or a Jack of all trades with basic training?
SWP's back said: said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
He's probably pright though. Without a coalition partner to exercise at least some restraint, the next five years are going to be brutal I suspect. Deep cuts and little growth in productivity are on the menu.

Surely you are missing the point this is democracy and working people all over the country are sick of the issues raised by Benefit cheats scroungers and immigration These points were all at the forefront of this election and it looks like the majority have come down in favour of action against these pressing issues.
No no. It's all Murdochs fault.

Tories are nazis.

Only bankers will be better off.

Democracy isn't working.
Well if they crack down on immigrants then you're fucked.

How's life anyway you offshore, tax dodger? I'm doing a big piece of work for a large Investment/Wealth Management firm at the moment so no doubt they'll be delighted with the result and hopefully more work for me. So it's not all bad news.
worsleyweb said:
Prestwich_Blue said: said:
Surely you are missing the point this is democracy and working people all over the country are sick of the issues raised by Benefit cheats scroungers and immigration These points were all at the forefront of this election and it looks like the majority have come down in favour of action against these pressing issues.
If that's what you think this election was really about then I fucking despair.

So the welfare culture and immigration were not significant issues in this election???? I fucking despair - that's why UKIP have just got 3.5 million votes.

Plus the Conservative votes as they have been tarnished with the same brush as UKIP during this election
bluethrunthru said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
Greens - 1m votes - 1 seat
UKIP - 3.6m votes - 1 seat
Lib Dems - 2m votes - 8 seats
SNP - 1.4m votes - 56 seats

Great system

yeah but the system means the main 2 parties have as I type 540 seats between them on probably 35-40m votes so it works for them and I doubt there will be change any time soon.
Exactly. Anyone who thinks Labour will do anything about this is kidding themselves. They might've had a bad election, but they'll be back and this system massively benefits them.

I've been a consistent supporter for PR, but I don't expect it to ever get implemented without a pretty big upheaval. Hell, haven't we been promised an elected House of Lords for decades?
Prestwich_Blue said:
SWP's back said: said:
Surely you are missing the point this is democracy and working people all over the country are sick of the issues raised by Benefit cheats scroungers and immigration These points were all at the forefront of this election and it looks like the majority have come down in favour of action against these pressing issues.
No no. It's all Murdochs fault.

Tories are nazis.

Only bankers will be better off.

Democracy isn't working.
Well if they crack down on immigrants then you're fucked.

How's life anyway you offshore, tax dodger? I'm doing a big piece of work for a large Investment/Wealth Management firm at the moment so no doubt they'll be delighted with the result and hopefully more work for me. So it's not all bad news.

Bigga said:
Bluemanc100 said:
Bigga said:
In politics a 'pledge' is not a promise. As I said a few weeks ago, if the Cons are going to put in £8 billion, they haven't said at what point that will start to happen and from where they will get that money.

The Cons have less than a 1% swing against Labour, that's about 17 seats, so they didn't do that great against their main rivals. People rejected the Libs and, obviously, the SNP came into play to work against Labour.

What that means is Labour are alive and kicking. A new radiant leader will give them all they need in England, without reliance on Scottish influence.

Really? The Jocks decided the majority of what happened last night and the public have spoken

People are saying that you cant blame Ed, I disagree, its akin to Tommy Cooper passing me his material, I'd die flat on my arse! It's about policies and pledges for sure but the key is the delivery and having credibility

They fucked up big time as we all know when they let David move to the Big Apple and this is not an overnight fix

A gamble that looks to have failed miserably

Not sure you can blame Miliband for a self character assassination! The media did that.
Picked on him for his voice, his eating and anything else that they could think of and the average Joe began to pick up on it too. Remember, even TV looked at the image perception and that was ill judged.

It seems that people would rather get taken in by the horribly conceived "no money" joke that Cameron ran with, than actually looking at caused the real financial crisis. The Cons brilliantly laid the blame on Labour and it was swallowed.

Good job.

I will agree that David Miliband being beaten for the leadership set this off and I think he'll be back. However, Ed was right in shifting Labour away from the Blair association.

That needed to happen, full stop.
Yet again more bullshit about the 'Media' calling Wallace, which is soooo unfair. The left wing media isn't read by the majority in England for the plain and simple fact that England eschews socialism, so prefers the slant on politics put out by the right wing media, this is the crux of the issue. The 'no money' letter was anything but a joke, and the electorate also realised this.
What's making me laugh is everyone with any sense could see Ed Miliband was a gift to the Tories, but plenty on here were saying how great he was. I think that was wishful thinking, and now they're desperate to fuck him off asap.
Lucky13 said:
Beaker using the #edstone for a political headstone , rumours he'll go by dinner time.

I think he pretty much has to. He has also lost some pretty key members of any future shadow government. Time for a complete rethink from Labour it seems!
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