the guy that chucked his s/t away

Why Always Ste said:
Doesn't surprise me though.

The reality is this Blue will only head back to his local pub and start watching matches there, the club not bothering what his opinion is/was and will be quickly replaced by some tourist who's opinion is highly valued by City on City Voice website.

Doesn't matter that he's been watching since 1962.

They don't give a shit, profit before supporters.

What the fuck do you want the club to do? Contact every pissed off supporter in the stadium last night and make sure they're ok?

I fail to see how a poor performance at home to Sunderland resulting in a soft arse fan throwing his season card on the pitch is in any way possible connected to the club making a profit
mrtwiceaseason said:
say what you like it showed he cared and it mattered to him unlike the 11 on the pitch who obviously couldnt give a fuck they had blown the would have thought leasons would have been learnt from the 2 wigan no shows when we treated the games as already beeing won !"

Shows he is (or has become) a glory hunter. 3 home games to go and he's thrown away his season ticket because we're not going to win the premier league. Deary me, what a poor soul
mancityvstoke said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Have you contacted the tkt office?
sorry what do you mean ?

He's taking the piss mate. Relax.

Did you though?
im too tight to throw mine !! the point stands tho we have thread after thread about fucking singing songs fuckin banners atmosphere etc the guy showed what the players lacked passion for city something that is totally lost on that bunch of prima donnas!
It is laughable that some people blame the lack of atmosphere on the stadium. The stadium doesn't sing for you
mrtwiceaseason said:
mancityvstoke said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
sorry what do you mean ?

He's taking the piss mate. Relax.

Did you though?
im too tight to throw mine !! the point stands tho we have thread after thread about fucking singing songs fuckin banners atmosphere etc the guy showed what the players lacked passion for city something that is totally lost on that bunch of prima donnas!

Not sure throwing his season card/ticket on the pitch would have been noted. If 45k did that would be different.

The fact is the majority will still turn up and pay every season no matter what happens on (or off) the pitch.

History shows that we are stubborn lot who may moan like fuck but stick around through thick and thin.

Lots of us will be priced out but that is a different matter.
He'll be at the ticket office come Monday afternoon asking for a replacement card saying he's forgotten/lost it.
How do you know for certain it was his season ticket card?

There is a good chance we could be reading about this in the tabloids tomorrow as they have ran out of FFP, highest wage bill in the world and no English players stories to write about us.

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