the guy that chucked his s/t away

gouldybob said:
Paul Powers Bar said:
what a bellend he is

wa wa wa

we might not win the league

i am surprised he didnt top himself when we were really shit

He won't have gone when we were shit, his first game was v QPR on the tele.
or maybe the complete opposite been thro the shit times and cannt except the way a team that was smashing the league up till xmas has givern the league up without any fight whatsoever !!
Skashion said:
mancityvstoke said:
212 second row.......(about ten rows down from De Niro).......right in front of the aisle where he chucked it at the steward.

He ran down the steps and launched it at a City steward at the gate.
Oh, I thought you must have been close to see it was a Blue card. I'm at the bottom of 110 and I completely missed this.

I'm about a third of the way up in 109, near the 110 aisle, didn't see a thing.

But I left as soon as Sunderland scored.
Why Always Ste said:
Doesn't surprise me though.

The reality is this Blue will only head back to his local pub and start watching matches there, the club not bothering what his opinion is/was and will be quickly replaced by some tourist who's opinion is highly valued by City on City Voice website.

Doesn't matter that he's been watching since 1962.

They don't give a shit, profit before supporters.
This is either a wind up or the most stupid posting I have ever seen of this site. And it is up against a lot of very stiff competition, I can tell you!

Profits? When did City last make a profit?

Watching since 1962 and the match provoked that action? I can recall City being beaten 4-0 at home by Grimsby not to mention being turned over many times by the likes of Preston North End, Portsmouth and even Sunderland back in the second division in the mid-1960s. I can also remember being beaten at home by the likes of Barnsley and Bolton in the mid-1990s on the way down to the third tier. And then going half a season without scoring a goal at home 10 years back.

That sort of idiot is exactly the type of 'supporter, that City could do with losing.
Why Always Ste said:
Doesn't surprise me though.

The reality is this Blue will only head back to his local pub and start watching matches there, the club not bothering what his opinion is/was and will be quickly replaced by some tourist who's opinion is highly valued by City on City Voice website.

Doesn't matter that he's been watching since 1962.

They don't give a shit, profit before supporters.

Can you throw yours away too?
Der Bomber said:
Kind of reminds me of when my Dad bought me a bicycle and I fell off it trying to learn to ride. So I started crying and put it out front of the flat with a "for sale" sign on it.

Of course I was fucking FOUR YEARS OLD at the time.

What a soft, spoilt twat. Good riddance.

You could write "for sale" at 4 yrs old.?

My son must be a right thick fucker...
Oh dear, what are we in danger of becoming? How dare Sunderland turn up last night and not roll over and let us win. I know we have been top dogs for season after season and remembering the very distant past is a bit tricky, but relegation threatened clubs have been doing this for years. The year we won it, Wigan went on a ridiculous run, beating both the rags and Arsenal. For people who have been following City for a while, you must remember 95/96 and Mr Balls team. Second last game and we are at Villa, who are 4 points off 3rd. Must rank as one of the most disappointing days ever. It might have been the worst (though there are many to choose from!) against all expectation we've gone and won 1-0 and will definitely be getting out of the bottom three. Back to the car and Coventry and Southampton have both won away. Back to back wins for all 3 teams and all that's happened is our goal difference has got worse! Then we had the 2-2 with Liverpool. If I didn't throw my season ticket at anyone after that I will never be throwing it. It matters to me far more than that. If it was just about winning I would have crossed the divide years ago. I would respectfully suggest, that if winning is why you come to City, you might want to think again. Disappointment and upsets are fine, but divorce? I don't think so.

Finally, these quotes from Wiki will always remain true and should remind us why blue going up against blue is as pointless as it is distasteful.

"Then there are the City supporters, many of whom have developed ulcers and who have grown prematurely grey for the cause. I have seen them at Plymouth and Newcastle, Portsmouth and Middlesbrough year after year, 'like Patience on a monument smiling at grief'. They have cursed, applauded, demanded, cajoled, laughed and wept. They have sworn never again to take out season tickets, never again to support their team. And always they have come back, generation after generation. As Mr Mercer put it on Saturday: 'I'm as pleased for our supporters as I am for anyone. Like the players they deserve to have their perseverance rewarded.'"
Journalist Eric Todd in a match report for The Guardian following Manchester City's victory against Newcastle United to win the league title in 1968.[65]

"Sometimes we're good and sometimes we're bad but when we're good, at least we're much better than we used to be and when we are bad we're just as bad as we always used to be, so that's got to be good hasn't it?".
Mark Radcliffe, BBC Radio 1 presenter (November 2001)[66]

"My husband's time as manager of City, from 1965 through to the early 1970s, was one of the most enjoyable periods of his life. He loved the club, the supporters, the players, the hope and the atmosphere of that period".
Norah Mercer, Joe Mercer's wife, who continued to regularly attend City matches until her death in 2013.

"To support United is too easy. It's convenience supporting. It makes life too easy. There is no challenge. It is a cowardly form of escapism, a sell-out to the forces of evil. United fans have no soul and will spend their eternity neck deep in boiling vomit. City fans retain their soul and will spend their eternity forever reliving the moment their team beat Newcastle 4–3 away from home to win the League Championship in 1968, beating United into second place."
Paul Morley, journalist (1998)[67]

CTID (really)
Timmmmahhhh said:
I'm about a third of the way up in 109, near the 110 aisle, didn't see a thing.

But I left as soon as Sunderland scored.
Their first I'm guessing? If you stayed until their second, fair play to you, that is loyalty. I left as the cross was coming in.
Blue storms out of house slamming the front door so hard the neighbours cat loses a life; and, grumbling all the way to the pub about his wife of 25 years spending the holiday money on a bargain from svarovskis when she promised not to after the last time, regrets flying into a passion and sighs to himself about the pair of them. Decides there and then to bring chips and curry home and a bottle of pale ale for her supper.

Next day is arrested by the peelers "on information received" for child abuse, animal cruelty, inciting racial hatred, and - worst of all - three counts of putting milk in before the water.


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