The guy who ran on the pitch

It's a bit over the top, a bit drama queen, but pricks like that were the reason we had fences BITD. Alright, yesterday was a bit of a laugh, but it won't be so funny when some idiot out for his first pint seriously assaults a player, official or manager.
That's why there's a 3 year ban, it's supposed to be a deterrent.
The stewards need to learn how to run, or get new people in. It was like a Benny Hill chase.
Trigger said:
nornironCityFan said:
Heres my video of his exit!...nearly went o his hole! lol.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

an excellent view of your favourite steward, and you had the pleasure of being sat behind the college ladies of the USA, lucky fella ;)

close enough to see this....


Corky said:
Is that an albino or a silverback?

No thats Reg.... oh sorry you mean the gorilla! not sure but do know that its lady owner attends every game and usually with her mum and god I think they own every bit of merchandise that City ever produce.

They sit in front row on the aisle of 106, and yes the gorilla attends every game also ;)
Trigger said:
Corky said:
Is that an albino or a silverback?

No thats Reg.... oh sorry you mean the gorilla! not sure but do know that its lady owner attends every game and usually with her mum and god I think they own every bit of merchandise that City ever produce.

They sit in front row on the aisle of 106, and yes the gorilla attends every game also ;)

I think that is a home made knitting job.
Can't be arsed reading through 7 pages so apologies if already posted. I thought the **** against Dortmund was exactly that, a ****. One invasion which was done in jest, and was taken as just that however, was in 1994 v Feyenoord pre-season. Some geezer ran onto the pitch whilst Beagrie was on the break, he, (the fan), ran onto the pitch ahead of Beagrie and gestured for the ball to be played to him! Got a good laugh from us in the Maine Stand! I wish I could say memory serves me that Beagrie passed it to him, but I think that would be the copious amounts of Red Stripe I had drank pre game. Good invasion that, but like I say the little twat face v Dortmund was about as funny as tooth ache.
At what point in the match did this happen????

I honestly cant remember seeing this. I must have been having a piss . . or too pissed

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