The guy who ran on the pitch

Trigger said:
marco said:
[its a fine line trig, if my lad had gone to a match and was sitting in say level 3 watching the game saying nothing he's hardly breaking or threatening to break the peace, missbehaving in a manner likely to cause distress or any other crime however the law likes to dress it up. if say you knocked his glasses into his eye while over reacting to evict him 'you personaly are liable for asault charges, a sterward or security have no more powers than jo blogs making a citizens arest and beleive me the citizens arest situation can backfire and the honest party end up getting sued

You may think it is a fine line but, firstly in your sons case which was a civil case as it hadn't been enforced via the courts, a steward could ask your son to leave the ground if he refused he would then be in breach of Ground regulations (similar to if you are barred from a pub) should he then fail to do so, what normally would happen is that the stewards (we are instructed not to do ejections on our own) would then using reasonable force remove your son. Whilst all this is happening it would be recorded on CCTV and police officers aware and standing by. Having made a reasonable request your son should be willing to comply with the request of the stewards.

There is little chance of your son say having "glasses pushed in his eye" as the law states reasonable force, thus by simply holding on to his arm this is unlikely to happen , however your son if putting up resistance would then make reasonable force that bit stronger. There have been many cases brought, the most recent with the Rag stewards who broke the City fans legs.
this is obviously unacceptable but this is a very rare case and as you state will be correctly punished, but how many times have you seen fans removed by more than one steward with his arms up his back but no case brought against them.

This is simply because the steward is performing his duties within the limits of the duties and laws that allow them to do so.
but if it is proved that the arestee didnt comit any crime, then arnt you leaving yourself open to legal discorse ?
sir malcom said:
something thats gone on since football started,funniest i saw was the streaker v brum at maine rd.Is this forum full of police, magistrates ,and the hang em high brigade,you get a smaller ban for drink driving ffs.

yeh, just looked up the min for manslaughter and a guy did 7 months versus a 3 year banning order for jumping a wall on to the pitch, complete madness
marco said:
its a fine line trig, if my lad had gone to a match and was sitting in say level 3 watching the game saying nothing he's hardly breaking or threatening to break the peace, missbehaving in a manner likely to cause distress or any other crime however the law likes to dress it up. if say you knocked his glasses into his eye while over reacting to evict him 'you personaly are liable for asault charges, a sterward or security have no more powers than jo blogs making a citizens arest and beleive me the citizens arest situation can backfire and the honest party end up getting sued

You could be encouraging nutjobs with this statement :)
timesprout said:
Trigger said:
You may think it is a fine line but, firstly in your sons case which was a civil case as it hadn't been enforced via the courts, a steward could ask your son to leave the ground if he refused he would then be in breach of Ground regulations (similar to if you are barred from a pub) should he then fail to do so, what normally would happen is that the stewards (we are instructed not to do ejections on our own) would then using reasonable force remove your son. Whilst all this is happening it would be recorded on CCTV and police officers aware and standing by. Having made a reasonable request your son should be willing to comply with the request of the stewards.

There is little chance of your son say having "glasses pushed in his eye" as the law states reasonable force, thus by simply holding on to his arm this is unlikely to happen , however your son if putting up resistance would then make reasonable force that bit stronger. There have been many cases brought, the most recent with the Rag stewards who broke the City fans legs.
this is obviously unacceptable but this is a very rare case and as you state will be correctly punished, but how many times have you seen fans removed by more than one steward with his arms up his back but no case brought against them.

This is simply because the steward is performing his duties within the limits of the duties and laws that allow them to do so.
but if it is proved that the arestee didnt comit any crime, then arnt you leaving yourself open to legal discorse ?

Crimes and breaking of Ground regulations can difer, but yes we could technically leave ourselves open to legal action.

I will add that we do not eject people (contrary to what some might think) willy nilly, we will try to issue a word of warning first rather than a straight ejection BUT it does depend on the offence.

For example I myself had to ask 3 fans yesterday to take their alcoholic drinks back to the concourse to be consumed. These fans were in breach of the Ground Regulations but could be first time fans unaware of the rules and thus it would have been harsh to eject them.

The majority of MCFC stewards are City fans and certainly not trying to eject fans, but are there to ensure supporters have an enjoyable matchday experience (can't fix the results unfortunately!) and ensure the safety of all spectators.
yousawmestandinalone said:
scowy68 said:
yeh they usually are funny.except when it's fucking David Pleat!

Who's fucking David Pleat?

Bloody hell, youre a young un ;o) Luton manager, danced on the pitch in a stupid fuckin polyester safari suit with a weetabix on his head (Twat) after beating us 1-0 at Maine rd to send us down.<br /><br />-- Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:03 pm --<br /><br />Maybe the pitch invaders (Dusseldorf, Valencia there is a pattern) are part of the new entertainement ? Like the greased up naked guy in Family guy, perhaps were all supposed to try and catch them
Here's the fella in question. Apologies for the shite pic, Camera on my phone's crap

It won't be long....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... eball_Game</a>
marco said:
Trigger said:
Bloody hell I need to get my Grecian 2000 out, I am the steward on the right in the orange coat ;)

do i see a bald patch trig?

No mate full head of mainly grey hair, I just have it cut short a number 1 all over.

My dad is in his 70's and still has a full head of hair so think I should be OK on that score ;)

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