The guy who ripped his season ticket in front of the Kippax

I did the same thing as this lad in the same season only I did it earlier at home to Bradford on the 22nd November. It was half time in the Kippax and I was having an argument with one of my mates (denishasdoneit on here) about how we were going to get relegated if we didn't make a stand and sort it out. He told me if I felt that strongly about it to fuck off and so I did. I walked over to the steward who opened one of the gates for me and I walked over to the Sherwood and got pissed as a fart. We won 1-0 with a late Tony Vaughan goal if I remember correctly with everyone telling me we'll be ok. The morning after I ripped up my season ticket (I've still got it) and spent the next 6 months feeling as low as I ever had done about City. I wrote an article in Bert Trautman's Helmet fanzine about it and got slagged to fuck off some whilst others empathised.

A chance meeting via BTH with Willie Donachie (my favourite ever City player) ended up with me swapping phone numbers with him and doing a two hour interview for the fanzine. Willie told me there would be a ticket waiting for me for the final home game v QPR including a drink in the players suite afterwards. I took him up on the offer but after the shit result I made my way over to the Parkside for a drink there instead.

I was dragged back into the fold and it ended my lowest point supporting City.
Remember it well. Sat in Kippax AA lower that day and like many have said, an all time low.

The John Wardle GMR rant was also an iconic moment from those shit days.
fiddlesticksblue said:
Not sure it's the same incident but my brother Trev did exactly that when we were getting trounced by Liverpool 5-0, his season ticket was confetti that day.
Well, he came with me to Wembley last week and despite the result we both had a cracking day.

He posts on here too!!

0-5 at home? you sure? or was it the 6-0 at scouse?
jma said:
Is that picture from the same game, or even the same bloke, as when a fella ran on cos he thought it was all a load of shit and dragged his wife and kid on with him.

Great stuff!

marcus said:
There seemed to be a lot of streakers around this time too. People had obviously lost the plot. Some one would run on starkers to be met by huge cheers, then even more cheers when the stewards couldnt catch them.
But one incident sticks in my mind, a couple ran on, hand in hand, and both had no bottoms on! Tops but no bottoms! The usual cheers were then replaced by "eeuuws" as people realised what was going on. To make matters more cringeworthy the stewards didn't bother chasing them so this couple had to just walk back to the stand extremely awkwardly!
Any one else remember this or was it a strange dream I had?

I had a ticket in the open stand between the North Stand and The Kippax for this game.

The bloke was a few rows in front and smashed out of his skull. Up out of his seat all the time, going through all the songs on his own. She was mortified and giving him daggers.

Anyway, they fucked off at half time and the next thing you know, part way through the second half, they are running out of the Kippax. I don't know how they got in there as it was sectioned off and you weren't supposed to be able to get in there from that stand.

I'm pretty certain that he had his pants off with his meat and two veg swinging and she had her top off. Like they only had one set of clothes between them.

I don't know what he had said to her at half time but she must have gone from saying

"Please, dear, you are awfully loud tonight. Would you mind awfully if I could trouble you to sit down and watch the match in a respectful and sombre mood? You are embarrassing me somewhat"

"Yes, I would actually."

"Ok, well now that is settled, I suppose you had better hold my top, I'm getting my tits out on the pitch"

The bloke started running after the ball, trying to tackle the Arsenal players. Vieira, Henry and all them were stood there thinking, 'fuck me, what is this shit.'

Even funnier for me in that match was that it was 4-0 after something like 20 minutes (as it seemed to be every year during that period against Arsenal and some bloke ran out of the Kippax and sat down on the pitch, arms and legs crossed.

Some stewards went up to him and had a word, telling him to shift. He wasn't having it so they picked him up and carried him off whilst he still sat there with his arms and legs crossed, like a really shit Buddha statue.

I think that was a lad that I drank with before most games in the Beehive, was called to a meeting with (who was the head of security then....I dont think it was Fletcher), a bit of humble pie and was at the games for the rest of the season....with quite a lot of pisstaking to endure
I remember this, I had a season ticket in the Kippax in them days and remember this bloke running on throwing his season ticket on the pitch, he got quite a few cheers when he did it.
BlueTG said:
xenon_ said:
Rosler-28 said:
I thought he threw it on the pitch... there was a story he got it back in the post with a note saying "if we have to watch this shit, then so do you"..

That is oddly romantic and adorable:) I love it.
Like a married couple who have had a tiff, but always find each other again.

Ha Ha that sums up many City fans, even after this season if you read i am not renewing thread
The other thing apart from the Bury fans going mad was that there was a spliff doing the rounds on a row of the Umbro that day, not with friends, just going down the row and everybody taking a toke.
when bury scored, a guy about three rows in front of me jumped up, turned into the aisle and screamed (red faced) at the top of his voice 'FORRRRRR FUCKS SAKE CITY, THIS IS FUUUUUUUUCKING SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.

he then turned back to face the pitch, threw his sunglasses and mobile phone onto the floor, stomped on the bits, shouted 'clarke your a ****', then fucked off up the aisle telling anyone that would listen that he had had enough/was sick of watching such shit/was never coming back whilst (insert name of every city player on the pitch) was wearing the sky blue shirt.

as an impressionable youth it was quite easily the coolest thing i had ever witnessed.

that impression changed slightly when he came back to his seat ten minutes later when he had obviously calmed down. it then dipped further when people in the vicinity preceded, somewhat sympathetically , to start passing back the plastic remnants of his glasses and phone to him and dipped even further when he then attempted to put back the pieces back together again (these were the early days of mobile phones after all). but fair play to him, he fronted out the piss taking and stayed for the remainder of the season and every season after until about two years before we moved to the ethihad.

if your reading this fella, respect, you showed what being a city fan is all about.

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