The Harry and Meghan fuss

So you couldn't care less if they bullied their staff? They had a huge churn with their staff over a very short period and seemingly none of them stuck around very long. I'd be very interested to hear what those staff members recall as 'their truth'.

I’m sure we all would, and while they are investigating they can also do the rest of the Royal Family because if there isn’t a culture of bullying at the Palace I’d be amazed. An archaic, heredity system built on rank and privilege? I’m sure it functions like a hippie commune.

They can also do a dive into Prince Andrew and his ‘activities’. Now wouldn’t that ‘truth’ be worth reading about?

Whatever the truth of the bullying claims against Meghan, the fact remains it will be spun as a smear or the consequences of the isolation and pressures she was subjected to. The only people that will buy it are the people who don‘t support her or her actions so it isn’t going to move the dial.

It‘s a bad PR move because it can lead to other areas and the Royal Family is less than squeaky clean. Also, the Palace and the British media are getting their arses handed to them on a global stage, so they still want to go head to head with her? Seriously, how dumb are these people?
Seems the crown princesses PR stunt yesterday has backfired amongst the commoners and peasantry
You'd 'a thought somebody in the Royal PR would have advised her to turn up, make sure some friendly press photographers get photos of her getting out of the car walking to the site while she puts her mask on making it all look natural and seamless.
Job done and it doesn't look like it's a stunt.
Whereas now....
The Times has an article saying that the investigation into bullying allegations against both Harry & Meghan has been handed over to an outside law firm. This is interesting as normally you would expect at best a discreet internal check followed by not a lot.

The article says that the most serious allegations aren't yet in the public domain and many of them are 'harrowing'. If these claims are found to be true by an independent investigation then you'd expect the pair of them to be finished in the UK but I suppose that won't bother at least one of them.
Oh yes, the paper known as the Tory Times.
A word (or two) in your shell like.
Prince Andrew.
I am not a royalist or anti royal.

I have seen a few bits of this interview and it just seems to contradict themselves in my eyes.

Dont want to work for the royals but still want the freebies and titles.

Why are they so bothered about archie not being a prince when they dont work for the royals ?
Why did they try to say it was down to skin colour when infact it can only happen when Charles is king. Why didnt they not know their facts or was it to try and make it seem more than it is ?

Other working royals pay for their own security yet them being none working still want his tax payers to pay theirs !

To accuse someone of asking what colour will the baby be, but not naming them so putting all the royals under a cloud.

They dont want to be in the press/media but are never out of it ! I never hear of Anne or Edward they seem quite capable of staying out of the press/media.

Funny isnt the royals have only had two Americans in the royal family and both seem to have been trouble !
You're right.
But I wouldn't overthink it.
These kind of crises will happen from to time with this anachronistic institution.
When Liz goes it will (IMO) face the biggest crisis of all - it's survival.
In the meantime let's all have a larf at them!
Oh yes, the paper known as the Tory Times.
A word (or two) in your shell like.
Prince Andrew.
A couple of points. The Times isn’t particularly a Tory paper these days and it is heavily pro Remain, for instance.

Andrew is an obnoxious **** and always has been. However, any accusations of paedophile criminal activity has got fuck all to do with the palace. They have to be investigated by law enforcement agencies and they should be. Bullying isn’t criminal and so shouldn’t be investigated as a potential crime.
A couple of points. The Times isn’t particularly a Tory paper these days and it is heavily pro Remain, for instance.

Andrew is an obnoxious **** and always has been. However, any accusations of paedophile criminal activity has got fuck all to do with the palace. They have to be investigated by law enforcement agencies and they should be. Bullying isn’t criminal and so shouldn’t be investigated as a potential crime.
Far too sensible and 'technical' a reply mate.
You 're missing the bigger picture.
Oh and by the way the Times used to be a heavyweight slightly right of centre paper but 'these days' has gone full on Tory.
Far too sensible and 'technical' a reply mate.
You 're missing the bigger picture.
Oh and by the way the Times used to be a heavyweight slightly right of centre paper but 'these days' has gone full on Tory.

I suspect you don't read the Times as it is behind a paywall (I do but certainly wouldn't pay for the privilege).

It definitely isn't Tory supporting in my view and I'd say it's centre/centre left. The ultra Remain editorial policy is an example of how far off it is. There are plenty of left wing writers on there with shite table tennis player turned even shiter 'journalist' Matthew Syed as a prime example.
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I suspect you don't read the Times as it is behind a paywall (I do but certainly wouldn't pay for the privilege).

It definitely isn't Tory supporting in my view and I'd say it's centre/centre left. The ultra Remain editorial policy is an example of how far off it is. There are plenty of left wing writers on there with shite table tennis player turned even shiter 'journalist' Matthew Syed as a prime example.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one mate ( the Times).
As for Syed do not get me going on that one!

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