Maybe we should all come over to your house, stare at you, talk about you, wander through your house, talk more shit about you, call you a **** to your face, harass your partner and your family as they do so?
But, I suppose it's okay when some of the performing seals dance and clap when you give them treats. I mean, if it's good enough for them, it should be good enough for them all?
Maybe then, as we look at you being miserable, we should shout at you for being ungrateful and look at the others tap dancing! Why aren't you tap dancing? You're impinging on my life cos you're not performing. You'll deserve all the abuse you get cos the others are good little performers.
You're the bad one, you bad non-performing seal...!! We're paying good money for you to dance!
These fucking seals are SOOO grateful...
Maybe you should fuck the shut up? That would be nice because I'm not in the mood for your trite little homilies at the minute.
Thanks all the same